Congratulations Udit/Anirudh

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Science makes a break through .........
Inshallah you and many others will benefit from the drugs
let's see man.... Udit sent me the file some time back.

I am happy for him, but let us not just get over excited only to get disappointed later on... They are estimating 2009. It could be later as well...

I just hope it comes out asap.
yesssssss....somehw this has made my day...

Specifically says this has encouraging results with Duschenne Muscular looks like its gng to be do something like what insulin does to treat/control diabetes...

This is the ans, looks like...

Mice with Duchenne Muscular Dystrphy are reported to have developed healthy muscles...
Given its wonderpill image, i just hope they do not exploit its commercial value too much..tht way it'll only be the saviour of few and the mass majority may still not be able to afford it...:no:
yippe feel so happy for u ..and other guys suffering..cauz of such diseases..

hope this drug..will come out soon..and we will see UDIT ,.in a mumbai meet....!
That is amazing news for Udit, and many other people, the best of luck to you;) I hope the drug company makes it affordable and available for everyone.
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