Connect remotely remote desktop

I want to connect remotely to my home pc from my office pc. I am behind a NAT at my home pc been given an internal IP by my ISP. How do I connect from my office using remote desktop connection. I do not have an external static IP ...Also are there any other ways to connect remotely keeping in mind i cannot install any software at my office. I tried using the free DNS service but still that does not work, probably because of ISP's firewall.

you could use real vnc to connect to your home pc.

It does not require admin rights so you might be able to install it in your office pc.

Use port forwarding at your home router to allow vnc traffic.

google for realvnc and you will get the client and the server.
why not use logmein free ? u would need to install the software on ur home desktop...after which u can access the pc via http protocol via the website , would need to install any software..however might prompt you to install a plugin....if that cant be done + u have firewall (corporate) then this seems to be a difficult task...
use . The simplest and the best for free.
It supports ActiveX based Remote Access on Internet Explorer, of if you are using some other browser, then it also supports Java Applets.

Or if you cannot use either ActiveX or Java applets, then it also has a software called LogMeIn Ignite, which is a portable application for remote access i.e You can carry it anywhere with you, and access your home PC without having to install anything on the computer you want to access from.

Definitely give it a try first.
yeah hamachi seems like your best bet, we've been using at my earlier workplace regularly and it works like a charm. We've even ben doing win2k3 admin n mssql2k5 n WSS admin over hamachi over last 1.5 years or so without a hitch.
I think Remote desktop also has some plugins/IIS activex controls.

if ur IP remains same once conntected, then configure your router/modem to forward requests from external network. and then you should be able to access rdp via http

but beware that some proxies in corporate networks, also block such traffic.
try TeamViewer,its a small software all u need to do is install it and there will be a specifi username and password generated for everycomputer ,hit the name(usually nos) and password and u can remotely access any computer in the world,we use it in dell earlier to take remote access of customer machine ,now we have a dedicated tool
I've used both Remote Desktop and Teamviewer. Teamviewer is simpler than Remote Desktop. All you need to do is install the application on your home PC and leave it running. You don't even need to install it on your office PC. You can run it without installing. Good for people with no admin rights on office PCs. And the best part is that no need to forward any ports or anything. You just need the username and password that you setup on the home PC.

Remote desktop isn't too complicated. All you need to do is make sure it's enabled. Then, register with or for a dynamic domain name. They're free. You will need to install their client software on your PC. It doesn't matter that you're behind a router. The client software will automatically update the DDNS servers with the public IP that your router gets from the modem. Also, you would need to forward port 3389 on your router to the PC. It's preferable to have a static IP on the PC.
Websites for Teamviewer, and hamachi are blocked at my workplace so cannot use that. For remote desktop i have already installed dydns utility at my home but cannot ping my DNS name from my workplace.

I do not have a static direct IP at home, probably that may be causing the proble,
Which router are you using at home??? Most routers are configured to block ping requests to the WAN IP. But that doesn't mean you won't be able to connect via Remote Desktop.
I use RDC...its best own software.

u just need to use PPPoe Connection and do portforwarding 3389..

get some static domain for your dynamic IP ... like ..

Edrill said:
Which router are you using at home??? Most routers are configured to block ping requests to the WAN IP. But that doesn't mean you won't be able to connect via Remote Desktop.

I do not use a router at home...My ISP might be using one though....

In my office we are suppose to work on a remote computer using RDC. I am attaching a netstat log of the pc in my office....if that may help


  • netstat.jpg
    150.3 KB · Views: 181
does ur office provide you a proxy server to access internet ? (i assume so, as you mentioned blocked web sites)
i.e. Can you access "ANY" port for websites/applications on internet ?
if NO, then you have to make RDP work on port 80. (Assuming http traffic is allowed AND u are using RDP over http)

Can you do a "tracert your_home_ip_address" from your office and post here?
shotgun said:
does ur office provide you a proxy server to access internet ? (i assume so, as you mentioned blocked web sites)
i.e. Can you access "ANY" port for websites/applications on internet ?
if NO, then you have to make RDP work on port 80. (Assuming http traffic is allowed AND u are using RDP over http)

Can you do a "tracert your_home_ip_address" from your office and post here?

Yes, my office uses a proxy to access the internet. How do i use RDP over port 80 ?

Will try tracert from office and post it....