connect tv and dvd player

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my friend has this antique 21" crt television which needs a connector like this ONLY

now,he wants to connect a dvd player to it.the dvd player has toslink,composite video.
i thought of using composite video connector

the two are,how do i connect the player and the tv?do we get coax to rca adapters?or is it a simple matter of cutting open the wires and connecting the two different wires together?
or is it even possible to connect the dvd player to the tv?

(i hosted the images taken from wikipedia on image i doing it correctly?)
Yup you get coax to rca adaptors.Search at the local electronic store.

Composite goes in and --- RF comes out which you connect to the TV.
i see.thanks!err,what do i ask for?coaxial to rca adaptor for tv?

and,i dont know much about these connectors,but,i read somewhere about different signal systems and all?any such issues here?it is it that the two cable merely have different forms with the same core wires?
No its not an adaptor as you imagine.Its a small box like thing with its own power supply too.It actually converts the compsoite video signal into RF frequencies which you can then tune your old tv to catch.I had one long time back.Just take both the cables with you to the shop and ask the person over there to give you the converter.
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