Connect USB printer to Wi-Fi router

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Hi all,

I have a Samsung ML-1210 Laser printer: Samsung ML-1210 Laser Printer: Electronics and a NetGear Wi-Fi router: Error (Not sure of model. Can confirm later). Now we have more than one device at home capable of accessing Wi-Fi and the requirement to print pages. I am now looking to connect my printer to the network. From what I understand, the requirement is for a Print Server. I am not sure of the product(s) to get for this.

I would prefer a wireless print server with not more than two USB ports which can connect to my WiFi router and enable printing as I would prefer to have the printer elsewhere. If this goes too much out of budget, even a wired print server with a USB port to connect to printer and Ethernet port to connect to the RJ45 jack of the WiFi router would do.

Also is it possible to just get a USB to RJ45 converter and connect the printer to the router? Not sure of this. I dont think this is possible: Networking With A Router - Connecting Devices To Your Router

If yes, can someone guide me please? Thanks for the help!
The cheapest way (U may not like) is to have a system near your usb printer, now you can share the printer accross all in the network. Else go for aa router with USB port that supports print server.... something like ASUS RT-N13U or a dedicated print server like DP-G310 Wireless G USB Print Server

Does you printer have a ethernet port or can it only be connected via USB (or LPT or some other way)?

If it does have a ethernet port I think you could try connecting that directly to your router (like a PC) and see if that works if it does not then (as mentioned above) you would need to have it connected to a PC and share it via that PC, but this would require the PC to be on anytime you want to print something.

The only other option as you have mentioned would be to check out compatible print servers for your printer and see if those are feasible (I've started looking for compatible print servers for my printer recently but am finding it surprisingly difficult to find one. Google is seriously beginning to suck). I don't think a RJ45-USB converter would help in your case as your router would not know how to handle the print job (unless your printer can handle this?).

Update: Ok I just checked the specs in the Amazon link you posted above and it mentions that this printer 'does not have networking features' so you would definitely need a router capable of handling the print job (i.e. a print server) if you want the printer to be independent on your n/w.

Did find this though
I did search around a lot and found that print servers cost more than WAPs. Might as well get a new WAP with a USB port then. Am not that comfortable with ASUS as a brand. Can anyone help me with a few models from Netgear/D-Link comparable to the ASUS RT-N13U? TIA!
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