Control PC from mobile via bluetooth

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Hi everybody i need a java application for controlling my PC via my cell phone. I have got Nokia 2700 classic which is a S40 cell phone and it supports java. So a java application will be perfect.

Thanks in advance
thanks RadioHeAd & H@rsh
I tried Phone remote Control but due to some reason it crashes after working for some time. More ever i faced problem while connecting my cell phone.
any way thanks a lot
does the app in the phone crash or the PC one?? if its the phone then it does happen occasionally .. i have experienced it when i get calls or when i go out of BT range. but then am sure u ll get the hang of it once u use it a couple of times. also for the connectivity issues its alwys good to reboot ur fone if the connection doesn take place. Its the only s/w that worked for me after having tried numerous other ones. also the features are more than u can ask for in comparison with other s/ws. Lastly make sure ur BT drivers are in place.
thanks mate for your concern, firstly i am on XP and the applicatin crashes on my phone. Secondly i have got a bluetooth dougle having BT2045 chip. I don`t have the actual drivers just using the drivers from microsoft. Do you have any idea about the actual drivers.
well even i have some chinese branded dongle but the CSR bluetooth radio and drivers from MS works fine for me.. Just make sure all the drivers are installed : I have the following drivers installed : CSR BT radio, MS BT enumerator.. it works fine for me.though i must say it did take some trial & error sessions before it actually worked for me.
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