Control your dreams - Lucid Dream - Is it possible?

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I don't know whether everyone has heard about Lucid dream. Here is how wiki is describing what it is,

A lucid dream, also known as conscious dream, is a dream in which the sleeper is aware that they are dreaming. When the dreamer is lucid, they can actively participate in and often manipulate the imaginary experiences in the dream environment. Lucid dreams can be extremely real and vivid depending on a person's level of self-awareness during the lucid dream.
It will be nice to have the ability to manipulate dreams or better still , see what we like in 3D:cool1: . No bad intentions.:lies:

Here is a link to make a machine for Lucid dream to happen. Does anyone know the effectiveness of this and the details for the micro controller it needs and how much will it cost.

The Lucid Dream Machine

I am still doing some search on this. It seems to be a brilliant idea. Meanwhile, let the suggestions pour in.
i can already manipulate my dreams, dont need no machine for that.

i can even dream another dream inside my first dream, howz that?

This looks funny :rofl: :rofl:

on a serious note can someone tell me what is it exactly ?
lucid dream is possible i can easily control my dreams someti,es it can go out of hand but seriously there is nothing like it just sleep tight and be aware think that i want to control my dreams and you will realise it when you have the dream you dont need any divices to achieve that just some concentration will power and aa good nights sleep :D
The phenomena the OP describes, is pretty usual... having a "conscious" dream.

Many a times, when actual sleep period is over (that is which you body requires for rest), you are in extended period of sleep which is when you can experience the Lucid dream. Now, some people don't at all remember their dreams... but those who do can very well experience and remember this state. It's like dreaming while being half-asleep. Unlike regular dreams when you're in deep sleep, you can very well manipulate Lucid dream.

Now as for the gadgetry part of it.. I don't know how effective the above mentioned device is. But let's just say... Lucid dream is sort of enhanced version of daydreaming. :)
Ok one stupid thing thats happened to me is that some times when somethings happen in reality, i kind get a sense/feeling that i had a dream related to this, its really awkward but it just happens once in 5-6 months..And its just a feeling, dont even remember them few mins later..Its like a flash for few mili seconds and generally abt the most stupid of things..
Party Monger said:
Ok one stupid thing thats happened to me is that some times when somethings happen in reality, i kind get a sense/feeling that i had a dream related to this, its really awkward but it just happens once in 5-6 months


You're not the only one... This Deja-vu experience happens to me too.
There is technique similar to Lucid dream called as Astral projection...Try learning that technique... one of the most effective dream controllers .You can see people who you like ,go to any place and do anything:P
had controlled a dream once....was running away from some creatures (not at sight at that moment)and reached the edge of a cliff.....dead end...there was another cliff far off ...and that moment realised that am in a dream...took a few steps back and ran and jumped....all the way :)...was fun...then i wanted to jump back and kick the other guys (now that i can do anything i want)....but woke up:(

it was really awesome....

about deja vu...happened many a times, but none recently...even realises the next one or two dialogues others are gonna tell...feels like tellin "i know u are gonna say this"...but holds back as i ll end up sounding like a wierdo
Its mentioned in "Surely your joking Mr. Feynman". Apparently, if you close yourself in a small, dark space with no light for like 2 hours, you will have a Lucid Dream. You can then control what you dream about.

On a side note, some psychologists and meditation gurus strongly believe that a positive affirmation in controlled dreams work wonders since they directly reach the sub conscious mind.
anyone of you have sensed feeling of touch etc in your dream?
looks like our brain likes to play games with us at night :S
On what you are talking on.. Astral Projection? Can you post the link to the tutorial , describe on your experiences....:)

SharekhaN said:
there was a online tutorial i had followed. Works well for me.

I use for all naughty purposes.
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