controller for pc gaming

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Hii guyz,
I want to buy a budget controller for pc gaming, mostly racing games/fifa etc.
yes it must have vibrations.

I have seen many controllers eg. xbox 360 looks good but its Rs.3k
looking for some better options here withing a range of 1k.
Also can I use PS3's controller on PC?
yes, a PS3 controller can be used on PC, using a software named 'motion-in-joy'.

you can check controllers from frontech, red gear, etc. at that budget.
xbox 360 is the best option, it has progressive control for trigger buttons,so good for racing games.
wired one cost around Rs1500/-, local dealers might sell it for 1250/-.
But have to check for original genuine many fake duplicates are available in market.
you still haven't got one?!

hurry up now; else, you would get one at better rate only when the govt. changes after the next election!! ;)
dude.. buy it sooner the better.. i bought xbox controleer 8 months ago.. then it was just 2k on flipkart.. now its near 3.5k..!
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