Coolest Toy EVER

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OMG!!... i want one of these man..... Awesome... wonder howmuch it wud cost to build one of these.........
Awesome!!!!! Brilliant!!!! Wish I could have one like that!!!!! I guess it will cost upwards of 30-40 laksh to build.....

I mean where do you even get small jet engines?? Brilliant!!!
Awesome:hap2: ,it's built frm kevlar and carbon fiber:S ...Bet it would be in the range of 6-7 lakhs or maybe even more cause already the radio controlled propeller airplanes are in the range of 1-2 lakhs(good quality ones).
Hmmm,tht plane is good for pranks like attaching some water balloons or some eggs and dropping it on someone's head..:P

i want that.

I used to have that petrol driven remote control plane few years ago. lost it one day :( was too expensive to get one more.

This is really nice. I wana know about the engines these peeps used :p
how much did the petrol driven plane cost?

getting 2 the above video, well u need to first get a degree, maybe a master's degree in Aerospace engg to even dream of building it, and then u'll need a team, of electronic, software, propulsion ....... (engineers) ....and so on so it'd better be called a scientific model , than a plane.

BTW i'm sure there would still be countries who wouldn't have built their first indeginous plane yet.
Imagine if you Crash that while landing, or better yet, your shot down by your government :ohyeah:.. :rofl: :rofl:
Neotheone said:
how much did the petrol driven plane cost?

getting 2 the above video, well u need to first get a degree, maybe a master's degree in Aerospace engg to even dream of building it, and then u'll need a team, of electronic, software, propulsion ....... (engineers) ....and so on so it'd better be called a scientific model , than a plane.

BTW i'm sure there would still be countries who wouldn't have built their first indeginous plane yet.
well there are very few people that make these planes locally.
Ready made one can start from 1.5K to right upto 9-10K.
The one i had was partially built by me. I was a member of flying club in my schooling days and attended a camp in pune where they teach you to build these planed. I had bought a kit for 2.5K some 10 odd years ago. Things are actiually bit cheaper now.
these small planed use no software, servo motors and good old radio transiver. Problem is you need to be careful if battery in remote dies or it goes out of range then good luck finding the plane as these planed can go few kilometers :P
With basic knowledge anyone can make these planed themselves. Even from scrap of a toy remote controlled car you can make small battery operated plane yourself.
goldenfrag said:
Imagine if you Crash that while landing, or better yet, your shot down by your government :ohyeah:.. :rofl: :rofl:
Imagine hooking up GPS to it and design autopilot program ;)
You have a missile :P
funkymonkey said:
Imagine hooking up GPS to it and design autopilot program ;)
You have a missile :P

he wud really be a A+ grade sucker to use that thing as a missile :P
There's a hobby shop here that sells Balsam wood aircrafts running on a solution of castor oil + some other stuff for 3000. Really well made stuff.

Also stocks professionally made aircrafts, but those cost 10k+.
I still remember in my childhood days i used t omake a lot of these planes
from thermacol and used to fix those small motors that we get in toy cars
and there used t obe a competition like whose plane wud cover the max distance. this toy really took me back t omy childhood days i really always
used to dream of getting the petrol powered planes but was costly for me
that time so never got one.

Really nice a toy and amazing speed must say.
Looks like a real fighter jet while its flying.
Thanks a lot for posting info on this.
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