yes you are correct.
its the reason i had specifically mentioned pwm Voltage regulators transistors in my reply above.
The actual pwm ic never really gets hot really since a very few amount of current flows through it. it basically senses the output voltage (Actual vcore in this case) through its feedback circuit and controls the switching action of the transistors depending upon the feedback of vcore (taking into consideration any error correction circuit , if any). it tries to keep it as near to the set value of vcore in the bios.
hence this ic does not get very hot. it is the switching transistors and the smoothing coils (those square blocks near the heatsinks) which get quite hot.
ps: by tinkering with the feedback circuit to this pwm ic or by tweaking the error correction circuit one can easily change the vcore to ones liking .....infact most of the vcore mods actually reduce the feedback vcore voltage to this ic ( by introducing resistance ) thus fooling it into believing the vcore is less than actual.
yes you are correct.
its the reason i had specifically mentioned pwm Voltage regulators transistors in my reply above.
The actual pwm ic never really gets hot really since a very few amount of current flows through it. it basically senses the output voltage (Actual vcore in this case) through its feedback circuit and controls the switching action of the transistors depending upon the feedback of vcore (taking into consideration any error correction circuit , if any). it tries to keep it as near to the set value of vcore in the bios.
hence this ic does not get very hot. it is the switching transistors and the smoothing coils (those square blocks near the heatsinks) which get quite hot.
ps: by tinkering with the feedback circuit to this pwm ic or by tweaking the error correction circuit one can easily change the vcore to ones liking .....infact most of the vcore mods actually reduce the feedback vcore voltage to this ic ( by introducing resistance ) thus fooling it into believing the vcore is less than actual.