RAMs - 12GB Corsair Dominator GT - 2000MHz (3x4GB)
Processor - Core i7 920
The processor was bought on 18 May 2009 and the RAMs were bought on 31st May 2011
Rams are with bill and have lifetime i.e. 10years warranty..
The processor is with bill as well and has 5 months warranty left on it..
Asking price -
RAMs - Rs [strike]14500/-[/strike] 13,500/- .. (were actually bought for 16,800/-)
Processor - Rs [strike]8000/-[/strike] 7500/- shipped.
Or buy both for - Rs [strike]20.5K[/strike] 19,500/- shipped.
Pictures -
Stock Heat-sink -->
Processor - Core i7 920
The processor was bought on 18 May 2009 and the RAMs were bought on 31st May 2011
Rams are with bill and have lifetime i.e. 10years warranty..
The processor is with bill as well and has 5 months warranty left on it..
Asking price -
RAMs - Rs [strike]14500/-[/strike] 13,500/- .. (were actually bought for 16,800/-)
Processor - Rs [strike]8000/-[/strike] 7500/- shipped.
Or buy both for - Rs [strike]20.5K[/strike] 19,500/- shipped.
Pictures -

Stock Heat-sink -->