Wow!! We all have been marked as Trinamool Congress supporters already ( my friends can't even pronounce it's TRI-MUL congress for them...yet they are official supporters)
There's a party office just in front of the alleyway in which our guesthouse ( I don't know what it is/ who owns this property, a small 2 storied house) is located. We were returning from hospital and 2-3 people (noticed their saffron bandana) started following us, they were shouting Jai Shree Ram and one of us also raised his voice and said the same.
That somehow triggered them and they ran past us and kind of blocked our way in full confrontation mode!!
We were initially kind of shocked ( as people have been very friendly in this neighborhood) but now assessing their physical appearance it became obvious any one of us can knock 3 of them out easily. And we were 4. They also quickly realised that, and stepped aside. But for no reason whatsoever started abusing us in Bengali.
I almost lost it... thankfully an uncle saw everything from his balcony, he started shouting and couple of local people appeared in their balconies and the 3 saffron bandanas disappeared.
The uncle is very scared, he is living here for 30 years and never seen those guys. He told us to call the police up, we didn't yet.
In fact personally I don't mind a little bit of action in our boring lives. It will be fun. Hope they bring some bigger men next time. We all are really too big for them.
Everyone does. It's clearly mentioned on CDC/NHS/WHO pages even now. 400mcg of folic acid.
I had to check because I was like WTF !

Obviously it doesn't mean that if one doesn't take, the child will definitely have NTDs. I forgot the incidence rate, but FA is such a cheap medicine that it's better to take than not.
Nah... apparently Slavik women are too strong to take even iron tablets in pregnancy. Len almost dislocated my shoulder while in labour...she even refused epidural. Life is tough man for unfortunate people like us ( when wife is almost as tall as husband and think they are physically as strong as their husbands...and they are...won't go into details..)