CPU/Mobo Corsair Value Select and Asus A8N-E

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techboy said:
but transcend is also not supported atleast it is not mentioned.

how do i upgrade my biosto 1003? is it safe?

the person who assebled my rig will ask Asus?

Also,dother comps even run with corsair value select ?

Its a board specific issue. Only happens with A8N-E and value select. Upgrading bios doesn't solve the problem either. Just get some other sticks and test it out. Ask your vendor to loan some sticks just to be on the safe side. Hynix works i guess since masky's kingston hyperx is hynix.
I have the user guide and it is written that hynix or something with 43 in name are supported.

Also,first i will need to upgrade my bios to 1003 and if it doesn't work in dual ch and if netweb gets to know from asus that i can't run in dual ch then I can return the ram.Till then I may need to wait unless it doesn't run in single ch either.

By the way even when I was using a single stick RON was crashing and a single tick according to the user guide is supprted.

Is this my video card at fault or is the ram?

Could it be my mobo as both ram stick,both ram sticks are failing.
By the way even when I was using a single stick RON was crashing and a single tick according to the user guide is supprted.
When you say it was crashing, do you mean it was restrating the comp ? In any case try some other RAM sticks and check.

On other notes, this should be in the troubleshooting section.
Whoa....dnt compromise of dual-channel...get sme ram which will work in dual-channel...
Alot of huys hav the board u hav....dnt they ;)

try to get Hynix d43 if thr's no othr option.
how much performance loss will i get to move to hynix d43

what abt stable?
Negligible, infact even with tight memory timings the performance diff in an A64 is not so great. If you dont plan to OC, get Transcend period, has 3 years warranty and is stable..
I believe masky has that board, he will be the best person to inform you regarding that. PM him if he doesnt post here.
all the D43 AFAIK available in the market are fake. My classmate bot a 512MB stick...i just rubbed the Hynix markings on the chip from my thumb...voila!! gone....
well, u can easily make out the difference between an orinal and a fake just by looking at the marking, anyways, our friend here is not too much into these stuff, i wud recommend him to be safe and go for trancends instead..
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