For Sale !
- Product Name, Manufacturers code & URL:Corsair Memory — 4GB DDR3 Memory (CMV4GX3M1A1333C9) Corsair Memory ? 4GB DDR3 Memory (CMV4GX3M1A1333C9) - ValueSelect - Memory by Product Family
- Expected Price: 3.2K Shipped
- Time of Purchase: Around 2.5 Yrs Sept - Oct 2010
- Company official Indian warranty valid/Remaining Warranty period: Yes | 7.5 Yrs
- Reason for Sale: 8GB ram stick being used..plan to go to 4X8GB..
- Purchase Invoice Available: No..But supposedly Corsair warranty works without invoice.
- Product Condition: seen in pictures..
- Accessories Included: RAM's
- Product Location: Bangalore
- Preferred Courier: DTDC/Professional
- Shipping Charges: Free.
- Payment Options: Cash, Bank transfer.