PC Peripherals Corsair vx550 or CM Realpower 550

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As the topic says... need to chhose between the two PSU for my new Rig that has the following

AMD Phnom II 920

ECS black 780GM Ultra mobo

2*2GB Kingston 800Mhz Ram

2*120mm Fans

Gecube HD 4850 gfx card

Creative X-FI Xtrememusic sound card

1 DVD writer


THe mobo needs an 8pin 12V connector....

THe VX 450 is not available and is not going to come anytime untill thursday next week,,,,

SO now the option that i have is to go for either

Coolermaster REal power 550W

or Corsair VX 550

Both costing me 5500

Need info by 2morow morning cause would go and pick the PSU up 2morow itself :)
Antec EarthWatts 500W

Actually, all the above choices are good, buy whatever you get cheapest.
hmmm... what do u guys say about the Coolermast Modular 520W... its of the same cost.. isnt it better to opt for modular ???
IceFusion said:
hmmm... what do u guys say about the Coolermast Modular 520W... its of the same cost.. isnt it better to opt for modular ???

only if u prefer it:P...for a more of cable management n less of cluttering inside the cabinet....check for oem rp550w na for 4.2k
^ They are two completely different series intended for different budgets and it clearly shows through in their quality/performance ;)

The ExtremePower is not bad actually, just that at their inflated prices here most could get out a bit more and spring for a much better unit.

The RealPower is Acbel too IIRC, which although quite decent is still sorta middle-tier and not really up there with the Seasonic league i.e. the VX550. The M520 looks similar to the RealPower.. upto you whether you need modular cables.

If you're cool with Antec and don't need modular cabling, the EA650 is supposedly selling for ~5k I heard and is an excellent buy.. good enough to even trump the Corsair TX650 which sells for 6.5k(?), and obviously better than the RP550 & VX550.

To put things in perspective, my order of choice would be :

EA650 > VX550 > RP550/M520.
IceFusion said:
its weird tht on one hand people shoot down the xtreme power series and recommend the realpower 550w smps

it's coz ...........Extreme series deserves it .
Extreme Series have efficiency ~70% .
REAL POWER has got 80+ efficiency .
& it's not just efficiency BUT other factors do matter like spikes , operation tempraure, etc . a BAD PSU (like Extreme series) on load do not give clean power output & has potential to damage ur components (many have experienced it).

SEARCH for CM Extreme 600W Vs. CORSAIR 450VX TOPIC ..........for more .
u can say that CM RP series is same as CORSAIR PSU'S (a; CORSAIR PSU'S ar 80+ certified :) ) in terms of performance .

for CORSAIR 550VX & CM RP550W
get which is cheaper :P
i will prefer CORSAIR even if it's ~300bucks higher priced than CM RP 550W .
n CM RP 550W does cost less close to 4.8k & if u find any OEM version u can get it more cheaper (many have bought CM RP 550W OEM VERSION for 5.2k frm SMC)

EDIT: ^ yes ,ANTEC EA 650 is really great buy & also sweet pricing .
Like Eddy's said, check if the Antec Earthwatts 650 is available. It should be ~5k+. Cheaper than the VX550. A really good PSU for the price it retails for.

PS: Why did u choose the ECS motherboard over the Asus u were considering initially? :S
tried the asus one....was having trouble fitting in my gfx card and sound card and then routing cables... as the ide connector,usb connector r at the bottom.... cable mgmt was impossible....
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