PC Peripherals Corsair vx550 or CM Realpower 550

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^He belongs to Delhi. :P

SMC should be stocking Antec PSUs. They're the official distris for Coolermaster though.
Was just saying to give a guide to how it would be priced, since I got a quote only an hour back.

Gunman said:
^He belongs to Delhi. :P

SMC should be stocking Antec PSUs. They're the official distris for Coolermaster though.
congrats......and btw, any tagan contenders in this price range? how wud tagans fare w.r.t. the vx550?
^ CM 500W silent Pro M for 5500 is very steep pricing, its 34A single rail, VX 450W has similar specs and 1.5k cheaper. Yea modular is good feature.
cheaper would be better. vx450 is not available IMO

What do you suggest? max budget is 5.5K, would be glad if anything is available for a little less
i tried finding detailed review of antec earthwatt smsp some days back to compare it with CM and corsairs, but couldnt find any decent info? U guys know any sources comparing different power supplies?
Sad scene is antec is not available in Nehru place, the only way is that u order on itdepot...

else go pick up the CM Silent pro 500W that i have got :)
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