Counter Strike LAN Party at home. (using home wifi)


Hi Guys,
How can I setup a LAN party on wifi (no ethernet cables) with friends/relatives
We used to play counter strike around 15-20 years with small maps awp etc.

CAn someone guide with installation/setup for same old counter strike as I am unsure if new CS will run on all PCs ?
Looking for small maps as well like awp_

Also can we use home wifi to setup this LAN party ?

Whether you connect the PCs using ethernet cable or WiFi is irrelevant for the game. As long as they all connect to the same WiFi network it will work. Though wireless adds some latency
There will be maximum of 3 to 4 people playing in all.
One has a non-gaming laptop, hence was looking for old CS game with small maps.
CS 1.6 will run on any potato laptop unless you're engaging in competitive play, which I don't believe is the situation. Additionally, don't forget to include AWP_India map in your map list <3
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I remember playing NFS Most Wanted using Wifi with Hamachi client. Not sure if this will work even now, This was around 15 yrs back so expect better solutions now.
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