Country with the Most Beautiful Girls in the World

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I would go with France and Israel.

Btw the no 1 spot says Czechoslovakia but it got divided into two countries, so which country are they talking abt.
^^ Does it matter, even combined the country is small and ethincally for all pratical purpose it would be the same...
Russia, France, Spain, Israel, Venezuela, Czechoslovakia, Pakistan, Brazil! guys talk as if you've seem em all or you've done some kind of research on em! :huh::bleh:

True beauty isn't restricted by geographical boundaries and you can't just say that girls from X country or region are beautiful than girls from Y country. You'll find beautiful girls all over the world and not just in certain countries/regions but that depends on how you define beauty. As they say, Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. :ohyeah:

Personally, I won't waste my vote on such stupid polls. :hap5: :rofl:
Why is that, her voice, the way she communicates ?

I cant believe she is all that great physically.

Liked her in the constant gardener.
Nikhil said:
ooooh..... Rachel Weisz !! I fell in love with her after Mummy :D :D

Yeah man! Like her :drool:

chic_magnet said:
Pakistani, Iranian, Czech Republicans, Latinas and offcourse Indians!!! i love em all!! :P

But they dont love YOU! :bleh:

ferrar! said:
my vote hehehe

my girl friend -> mumbai -> maharashtra -> india :D

sent her a link to your post here eh ;)
girls are pretty no matter where they are from :bleh: still if you wanna make a list, i'd say south american>czech>russian>american>indian . No offense to Indian women. I just like them slightly fairer :)
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