PC Peripherals CPU Cooler for $60.

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the CM TIM that comes with the hyper 212 is an average TIM. under load the heat dissipation is inferior to better ones.
would suggest u buy a tuniq tx-3 or arctic mx-4 and add another blademasster fan. the r4 has less pressure flow across it than blademaster. further orientation is important.
Get a CM V6GT or Noctua 12, both cost around 4k locally and pwn the living day light out of a 212 plus. I went from a 212 plus to V6GT, so I know the difference. It is a worth it upgrade.
hector19 said:
^ it works , after reverting to the old setting, ( 0.125 ) it works . TEMPS sail btwn 37-55 :D.

But when i load the stock voltage settings , it starts again :S .

So whats the issue here ?
Re-TIM, a push-pull configuration (add another fan, preferably a BladeMaster), if that doesn't help I know squat.

rite said:
Get a CM V6GT or Noctua 12, both cost around 4k locally and pwn the living day light out of a 212 plus. I went from a 212 plus to V6GT, so I know the difference. It is a worth it upgrade.
He just bought this HSF on suggestion from this query thread, he had a budget limit of 2000/- not 5000/- and if he had, had that in mind OP would've gone with the Noctua NH-U12P SE2 ~ 3700/- which performs better and was suggested by self and Hades.
dude reapply the TIM by putting three lines in the ridges located on the base plate in between the copper heatpipes. the problem with hyper 212 is that the space in between the heatpipes and the base plate may cause irregular heat dissipation. do this and try again
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