Crc Failed

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Supra said:
Now what is that :O
Because you installed Kasperksy recently which cleaned all ur files of Win32.b which screws the CRC of all archives. All stuffs downloaded pre Kaspersky install were CRC vrus Win32.B ridden and hence screwed. U cant do anything abt that...Case Closed

try this software for CRC recovery

Dvd crc repair software by Nucleus and others

More abt this virus

Win32.Plexus.B - CA

Reply sir did u get it?? I see you viewing this thread for 15 min now :P after this post !
Thanks a lot mate ..........
seems CRC has currupt
have to download reigtered version of that soft and then try ......

it was 2Gb RAM (32GB my mistake)

will report further after testing this....
it takes hell lot of time .........

so tring to extract CRYSIS using rar recovery.......
but it has hard curropt hence ccannot be fixed ....

while GRID extracts using rar recovery
its downloaded setup .......not orignal game .
in setup after pressing install .........while extracing it says files are broken ...
then it completes......GRID icon comes on desktop.
then when i try to start it shows GRID running in process of WINDOWS TASK MANAGER and not in applications.......

wiill test on others rar files ,,,,,,,,,,,,when i will be back from college .
ive seen CRC errors come when installing something from DVD/CD. Usually when there are a lot of scratches or the data is corrupt... :S

CRC = Cyclic redundancy check ?
buy some original games... :P (j/k)
i guess the problem is with the corrupted disks or incomplete burned data...
kauzy said:
buy some original games... :P (j/k)
i guess the problem is with the corrupted disks or incomplete burned data...

i tried to install now
Launch Sid Meier's Civilization 4
got FREE with GPU

it also said CRC failed while installing game ............i somehow completed setup clicking IGNORE ..........n its installed .
but not playing it says some .dll file is missing please reinstall .

this same game i installed on 80GB H.D.D before formatting fully that 8GB H.D.D n played was only i was able to on fully formatted sytem is also nt workin......
what's happened to my system VIRUS still persistant..........BUT HOW ?????
NO any permanant solution for this:huh:

at last was able to play games CRAZY FROG & BIG MUTHA TRUCKERS 2 .........from age old books .

but this CRC problem still exists .........
rar repair was not able to recover all ......

now tried to extract GRID using "RAR Recovery ToolBox"
only 4files then had CRC error.
game was installed given error for boken files ....
then after installation ......when i opened GRID.exe it open & stopped at black screen with GRID in middle ...........
might loading file have problem ........
will see again on diffrent files.
BackToExistence said:
if you are trying to install the application to C drive and if it gives you the CRC errors.. you might as well do chkdsk /r/f on C drive and see if are getting any errors. CRC errors mostly come because of incorrect sector reading or I/O errors from the devices. Other possibilities could be that the game may be corrupt.


chkdsk /r --> Repair
chkdsk /f --> Fix .. Right?
i tried chkdsk/r
n chkdsk/r/f

0KB sectors at all...........
still CRC FAILED ....

installed AVAST ANTIVIRUS n deleted all the files that were infected.........BUT still same problem :S

i used same DVD at frineds home.......they just work fine .......

so what it would be ?

need HELP
vishalrao said:
so, did you actually get to try a memory test?

not actually.......
BUT i have tried using another RAM for friend .... its working right at his place .......
but for me same .......

well if u say so ...i will do it......but right now i don't have a pendrive ..i have given it to friend to take NARUTO EPISODES .

now 7-zip is working ....installed PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2008 .its working:hap2:

n also i installed TOP SPIN2 it was starting but when actually strting game .it was getting crashed ...

now it is also working.......without reinstall

but same with rar files .....
will try more now ...

atlest happy to have my all time fav game now :P
its workin...........
after tries n tries ........

then AVAST SCAN THOUROUGHLY for more than 4TIME ....its stopped givving CRC error!!!

for now all things are lookin just fine :peace:

THANK YOU EVERYBODY who helped me :thanks!:
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