Creative EP-630 & Creative X-Fi Titanium

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Got this offer from a dealer. Standard 1yr warranty by Cyberstar. Interested people please post here..

Forgot to mention, need atleast 10 pcs. of the EP-630 to get that pricing. The Titanium can be ordered individually too.

Creative EP-630 -> Rs. 720 Shipped/-
Creative X-Fi Titanium -> Rs. 5950/- Shipped

1) Deepak - 2
2) thenvk - 1
3) emmarbee - 2
4) blackprince - 2
If the offer is still there, count me in for EP-630.
And what's the mode of payment?
Also please let me know how many more pieces left, cause I guess I need more than one.
The product in question is a box pack Creative Ep-630 with direct warranty from CyberStar. The stuff u've mentioned above is OEM and the seller has mentioned clearly DOA warranty only from his end. U can't take it to Cyberstar for replacement is what I'm guessing..
Interested people can go ahead with the purchase on e-bay with coupons. ^_^
no offence to ur IC , but i just checked this on ebay and so posted it here.

i dont know abt the OEM and DOA thing :P

rest is upto the buyer to buy.

anyways i already have the ep-630

i had asked u for the price of ep-830 if u remember!!!
@emmarbee, as of now it stands at 0 :P
how many do u need? coz u've mentioned u might need more than one..
@Deepak, need to get minimum limit to pick up at tat pricing..
Guys, EP-830 not in stock.. so will have to wait till monday..
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