Creative Zen NX 20 GB MP3 player

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techmaster said:
i was just letting ppl know something cheaper is avaliable.

oh well.. u said u bot it for 10k.. and from the link u posted even in the US it costs not less than US$240.. which is more than 10.5k.. so how exactly is it cheaper.. ?;)

anyways, lets stop it here and let the prospective buyers and seller do the discussion..
sure superczar ...its ur right to freedom of speech .....well to reply to what u just said .... with due respect to u .... i aint here for charity .... nor am i forcing the stuff down ur throat and extorting money . You have a choice ..... u buy it if its acceptable to u .

Coming to making a profit , well i think its high time i give u guys a detailed description of stuff i have sold

first thing first .... therez effort involved in getting stuff from US that also at the stated prices u see online .... for example to buy from newegg ... u need to first convince someone who resides in the US to use his/her credit card cos they only accept US domestic Credit cards ....secondly u need someone to get it to u in India .

coming back to the goods i have sold ....
1) HIS ICEQ 9800 pro -- purchased from Newegg....cost me 249$ + 30 $ overnight shipper ( my fr was flying in 2 days ) ..... at that time $ was 48 rupees ... comes to Rs 13,392 .... used it for 3 to 4 months .... sold it to masky for Rs 13,000 . Unfortunately the card died , helped masky get a RMA from US ( it involves numerous phone calls and emails and co-ordination with my fr from US plus take his ire .)

2) Gigabyte 6600 GT PCIexpress --- purchased from Newegg again for 205$...that makes it 205$ x 46 = Rs 9430 /- ... never used it since i didnt have a pcie board .... sold it to funkymonkey for 9500/- ....... made a 70/- rupee profit for all the effort involved from gettin it from US ....BTW's the auto fare from my house to courier shop is 50 bucks .... so correction , 20 rupee profit .....way too much ! ...

So superczar i hope u understnd it better now offence ....

its very easy to post the cheapest Link of the product ...... requires a lot of effort in actually gettin it .... i hope its rests all speculation . Amen .
When will people learn to stop thread crapping.
And to the mods....
I think its time to checkout the rules of the best For sale/trade forumn on net the anandtech.
What was done here to start with is thread crapping for sure.
If you do such thing at AT you will immediately get a warning from mods.
If you think price is too much or someone is trying to rip off the buyers then only report it to the mods.
Rs.9900 is fantastic price for a Zen even if its bought from US. Atleast he is telling the price which is less then that in USA now and 50% the value of the player in India.
So even if its bought from Japan the price is perfectly fare.
Its typical mentality of us indians do behave like this. Same crap goes over at digit forums. Same happened in the TA. Thats why people now days dont quote prices and tell you to PM it which according to me is not correct.
If the seller is asking for the price which you think is high then dont buy it. If you are not interested then stay out of the thread.
if you want to offer something lower than the quoted price then PM the seller.
If someone is buying it from the seller then its his job to check the prices online or with the dealers and then go ahead with the deal.
Sorry for posting this in your thread Ragin but I think these are the guidelines that are followed by many top and most reputed FS/T forums. I am active member at AT. And do something like this there are other members themselves will beat the hell out of the thread crapper and action of mods will be addition ;)
Do not argue about the price quoted in the forum, PM the seller. If he wants to sell his product which is really overpriced he will reduce the price.
By the way regin. I have spent a lot this month. So if this is for sale after my exams are over I will be interedted in buying. This ipod shuffle my cousine gifted me simply sucks.
Well techmaster .... i aint makin a fuss , nor do i have anything against u .... its all about expressing what u feel is right .... anyway ...
If u cannot appreciate and acknowledge at least dont disturb and destroy ...... i have sold a HIS 9800 pro to masky for 13 k when the only 9800 pro available in India was Club 3d for 18 k ..... have sold the Gigabyte 6600 GT pcie to funky for 9500 when 99% of the pcie 6600 GT's u get are XFX's and for about 11.5 k . Do i need to elaborate further ?....... and yea i aint gettin all worked up here , infact i enjoy a healthy discussion . Let the comments pour in ....the sale can co-exist ....besides its gettin much more publicity now ... :cool2:
Ragin_Ice said:
1) HIS ICEQ 9800 pro -- purchased from Newegg....cost me 249$ + 30 $ overnight shipper ( my fr was flying in 2 days ) ..... at that time $ was 48 rupees ... comes to Rs 13,392 .... used it for 3 to 4 months .... sold it to masky for Rs 13,000 . Unfortunately the card died , helped masky get a RMA from US ( it involves numerous phone calls and emails and co-ordination with my fr from US plus take his ire .)

I can vouch 100% for that. He's been very helpful and very patient so far in getting a replacement card for me.

Besides, this place is a MARKET. treat it as one. I dont see u going to a grey market seller and arguing with him for the rates that are prevalent with the US prices? then why here? Like Ragin_Ice said, someone is offering to sell here.. if u wanna buy it, show ur interests.. if not, then, thats fine too. Like in another thread I had shown interest for something and was quite excited to buy it too. But the seller found a local buyer and took his merchandise off the shelf. i was kinda disappinted (coz i was getting a very good deal hehhee) but thats OK..

perhaps it is about time we drafted rules for this forum. Only sellers and interested buyers are allowed to post. they can bargain to death, if they want.. we can all get our pop-corn and watch it.. ;)

superczar said:
this is supposed to be a friendly meeting place and not an equicalent of baazee.....

This is a friendly place, no doubt. but u cannot expect one to sell his goods at ridiculously low prices too..

like Ragin_Ice said:

"You have a choice ..... u buy it if its acceptable to u ."
Ragin_Ice said:
Well techmaster .... i aint makin a fuss , nor do i have anything against u .... its all about expressing what u feel is right .... anyway ...
If u cannot appreciate and acknowledge at least dont disturb and destroy

I do not think i have destroyed or disturbed anything.....
TheMask said:
oh well.. u said u bot it for 10k.. and from the link u posted even in the US it costs not less than US$240.. which is more than 10.5k.. so how exactly is it cheaper.. ?;)

i did not mean cheaper in absolute terms considering the one avaliable is a new piece and is one with a touch pad. i had bought my player from some other site where it was 200$ still can give the link but ppl may mind it.
Ragin_Ice said:
alright techmaster why dont u get stormblast and archish one piece each plus i will buy 10 more lemme know when can u get it ...??!....ok ?!..... This is India .... here u get the same for 18,000 bucks ....or as a matter of fact why dont u sell ur zen touch ....i will buy it for 10,500..!.... think before u post ....

any pun intended in this :) before it got edited.
Originally Posted by Ragin_Ice
alright techmaster why dont u get stormblast and archish one piece each plus i will buy 10 more lemme know when can u get it ...??!....ok ?!..... This is India .... here u get the same for 18,000 bucks ....or as a matter of fact why dont u sell ur zen touch ....i will buy it for 10,500..!.... think before u post ....
techmaster said:
any pun intended in this :) before it got edited.
Lol ....juvenile ... :hap5: .. anyway get the hell outta here .. :mad: . i got some serious business to do .. :D .start a new thread if u got problems ...bbye ... :tongue:
I clearly said that I am not trying to flame...still it seems people ended up getting offended....

Besides, this place is a MARKET. treat it as one. I dont see u going to a grey market seller and arguing with him for the rates that are prevalent with the US prices?
- Yeah, but if a gray mkt seller is hawking a used item, I would expect a >>>>price than the price of a new 1....
(Absolutely no reference to anyone on the thread, just a comparison for comparisons' sake)

2) Ragin's intentions may be right...As i said earlier, he may have bought it for 15 or even 20K 6 months ago .....But as this is a nice friendly forum, I think there's nothng wrong with a person ( who's not even remotely interested in buying the item ) to point out to prospective buyers (and aslso for the benefit of the seller) the current price of an item.....
coming back to this particular example, If the current $ price is ~10.5K for a new one, and if Ragin indeed knows the price of a new one, 9.9 K is an absolutely unjustified price for a used player....
superczar said:
coming back to this particular example, If the current $ price is ~10.5K for a new one, and if Ragin indeed knows the price of a new one, 9.9 K is an absolutely unjustified price for a used player....

One more thing would like to point out the one which ragin is selling is creative player without the touch pad.i gave the link of the one with a touch pad which is more expensive.The 30 GB of the same type model is avaliable for 200$ and brand new.
superczar said:
coming back to this particular example, If the current $ price is ~10.5K for a new one, and if Ragin indeed knows the price of a new one, 9.9 K is an absolutely unjustified price for a used player....

ok superczar ...justified .....i need ur help ...please get me the new player for 10.5 k ... i put up at Mumbai ... am willing to pay in advance . I hope u can get me the player in a week's time . After i get the new player for 10.5 k , will sell my player for 5k to any techenclave member , its a promise, but remember not more than a week .Thanks in advance . :)
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