I think I am in a soup with my credit card bill but not sure. I have a citibank credit card. I think the max limit is 1lakh. I ensured the card didn't have any annual fees when i first got it 8 years ago. The good thing I did and have been doing is that I only 1 have credit card and limit my prchase with it. But the bad thing is that I pay only the minimum due amount every month. my debt has been ranging from 60k to 70k. Once I got it down to 20k(when I was not married) but thats it. Presently it's 90k.
I've been readiong these horror stories about interested rates ruiining people. I just dont understand it. Can someone explain me in layman terms?Am I screwed?
I've been readiong these horror stories about interested rates ruiining people. I just dont understand it. Can someone explain me in layman terms?Am I screwed?