Credit card payment

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And yes. they will give this interest numbers like 3 or 4 or 5. but you end up paying more. I am sorry, but i am not smart enough to understand that rules. that's why i dont go into any of that. :(

And yea, what the above post said. Only 90k. its ok, just finish it off. and no it doesnt mean you can retain this 90k or do this again. Fool you once, shame on them. Fool you twice, shame on you.

3/4 is interest per month. Multiply by 12 to get actual rate of interest per year. That's why I said, EMI is much better at 10-13% per annum.
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Whatever have happened is happened. Its good that you are taking steps to correct it. So congrats at first.

Coming to repaying the debt, I would not suggest breaking your PF as easy option. It should be your last option when you can not arrange funds from anywhere. Try to borrow half of money from friends/relatives and cut your expenditure for couple of months. You will be good after it. Wishing you good luck :)
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Thanks guys. all this helps. I eprsonally hate getting involved with friends over money matters. But right now thats the safest option. Yes, PF will be when all options are dissolved.

I am rpesently serving my notice period and hence the final settlement would come a little late. so I gotta hold on for 3 weeks more. Final settlement will give me a little extra money apart from the month's salary. That would straighaway go to clear this debt. I have a 1 or 2 friends who can loan me money I think. Rest are equally in debt but they do nothing about it.

So if I repay my debt over the next 3 months, Am I loosing a lot?

Sigh! there goes my dream to buy an LED tv with the new companies salary.
Thanks guys. all this helps. I eprsonally hate getting involved with friends over money matters. But right now thats the safest option. Yes, PF will be when all options are dissolved.

I am rpesently serving my notice period and hence the final settlement would come a little late. so I gotta hold on for 3 weeks more. Final settlement will give me a little extra money apart from the month's salary. That would straighaway go to clear this debt. I have a 1 or 2 friends who can loan me money I think. Rest are equally in debt but they do nothing about it.

So if I repay my debt over the next 3 months, Am I loosing a lot?

Sigh! there goes my dream to buy an LED tv with the new companies salary.

Expect to pay around 3-4k interest per month. Check your statement dude. They will have clearly mentioned the amount charged to you as interest.
So if I repay my debt over the next 3 months, Am I loosing a lot?

Sigh! there goes my dream to buy an LED tv with the new companies salary.

In short term it might appear that you are loosing in repaying within 3 months. But look at longer term, it is great that you are debt free and there is no burden on your head.

Also dunn worry about TV, by diwali you might be able to buy it. :)
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