Graphic Cards Crysis Benchmark Thread

@Goku: As long as you can even run Crysis at VHigh DX10 @ 1680x1050, and it is playable what do you have to complain?

I believe that in itself is an awesome feat, for any configuration.

Great score for a single card in all departments.

BTW. Who remembers the days when Multiple Cores on a single chip was put down by the industry, I am talking about the VooDoo 6 and VooDoo 5 series, at that time the company lost so much money on scalable architectures, that they eventually got bought over by nVidia their biggest competition. I am sure nVidia used their engineers now to get SLI to where it is. Anyway this is all besides the point.
^^Anyone should be :) I'd be thrilled too with a score like that. Enjoy the card, and Game hard.

Back to the thread:

Infected ...........................48.71/38.29 E8400@3.7Ghz 4850@ 675/1050 -- Stock Air Cooling.


Infected 48.71@1280x1024 (High)-- E8400@3.7Ghz 4850@ 675/1050 -- Stock Air Cooling.

Infected 38.29@1680x1054 (High)-- E8400@3.7Ghz 4850@ 675/1050 -- Stock Air Cooling.


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Goku said:
Heya.. here are my screenshots.. din have CPUZ installed so took the screenshots without it. Proccessor is Q6600@3.6Ghz.. Card is 4870x2

Goku some pretty neat scores, and the x2 is showing its power when its needed, 38fps in 1680x1050 very high is pretty impressive, and it also takes up the fastest vhigh score (my 9800gtx sli :p ) , could you post the score in the format as mentioned in the first post or just look at posts above u and I'll add them in the leaderboard.

OS :windows vista home premium

All high 1280x1024/1680x1050

Arnold 40.04/33.04 -- Athlon X2 5400+ BE @3.2GHz--MSI HD4850 @675/1045-Stock air cooling - catalyst 8.9


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^^ decent frames, 4850 seems to be be bottlenecked though. Leaderboad has it up to 48fps in one setup, and in crysis, after a certain point cpu clocks dont change the fps at all.

And yes thanks a lot for following the format! :) athlon is a big bottle neck ..ny ways its unstable after matter how much i increase the vcore :(

waiting for the denebs ..hopefully with decents bump in performance and good ocing capabilities..den sure will will get that :)
arnold said: athlon is a big bottle neck ..ny ways its unstable after matter how much i increase the vcore :(

waiting for the denebs ..hopefully with decents bump in performance and good ocing capabilities..den sure will will get that :)

Even I'm wishing for some power shift in cpu battles (just as in gpu's), I hope denab is something close to i7 while being a decent overclocker!
some power shift in cpu battles (just as in gpu's)

wouldn't that be so nice for AMD :) , even I would really like to see AMD get better CPUs than intel in esp. "GAMING" where i7 Core ain't that great so far.

Como'n AMD we wait for your answer. :)
This is the slowest run ever :D

Photographer 12.19FPS@1280x1024 (High)-- E4500@2.4Ghz 8600GT(DDR2:( ) @740/512 -- Stock Air Cooling.

Photographer 3.98FPS@1280X1024 (V.High)-- E4500@2.4Ghz 8600GT(DDR2:( ) @740/512 -- Stock Air Cooling.

^^ mate your proc is running at 1.3GHz? Please take out the C1E ant Thermal funtions in the bios u might see a coupla FPS boost :)
memnom said:
^^ mate your proc is running at 1.3GHz? Please take out the C1E ant Thermal funtions in the bios u might see a coupla FPS boost :)

that doesnot help. proccy runs @ max under load, and 8600GT Sucks. hope i can try this on my dad's rig(just need the Password and then wollah)(He never lets me touch his rig)
Dad's rig ........ ur dad is a gamer ? don't tell me hez got a gaming rig and you have a casual browsing PC

Its a 8600GT DDR2 ....the DDR3 version used to give me about ~18fps .. so this seems kinda expected

dad is not a gamer he does lots of 3d max work and video editing work in his free time and has a gr8 rig. and abt that ddr2, i had a ddr3 but it went kaput in a week so i got this as a replacement + some cash
Run #1- DX9 1280x1024 AA=No AA, 32 bit test, Quality: High ~~ Overall Average FPS: 40.88

Run #2- DX9 1680x1050 AA=No AA, 32 bit test, Quality: High ~~ Overall Average FPS: 31.195

System Specs:
Intel Core2Duo E7200 @ 3.48Ghz (Stock intel cooler)
2*1GB Crucial Ballistix Tracers @ 840MHz, 4-4-3-8 2T
MSI 8800GT OC (660/1900)


Photographer said:
This is the slowest run ever :D

Photographer 12.19FPS@1280x1024 (High)-- E4500@2.4Ghz 8600GT(DDR2:( ) @740/512 -- Stock Air Cooling.

Photographer 3.98FPS@1280X1024 (V.High)-- E4500@2.4Ghz 8600GT(DDR2:( ) @740/512 -- Stock Air Cooling.


Man this must have been a PITA! updated lol :p

SidhuPunjab said:
Updated POST #68 Dx9 scores, differant card, differant clocks, latest driver.


@vinay : Could you please post in the format as posted by photographer above. thanks
Hope this is the format :p

Goku 62.22 @1280x1024 (High)-- Q6600@3.6Ghz 4870X2@ 750/900 -- Stock Air Cooling.

Goku 55.4@1680x1050 (High)-- Q6600@3.6Ghz 4870X2@ 750/900 -- Stock Air Cooling.

Goku 44.61 @1280x1024 (V.High)-- Q6600@3.6Ghz 4870X2@ 750/900 -- Stock Air Cooling.

Goku 38.33 @1680x1050 (V.High)-- Q6600@3.6Ghz 4870X2@ 750/900 -- Stock Air Cooling.

OR is it that you need CPU-Z to be included in the screenshot.. (Too lazy to do all the tests again and take a screenshot :p)
i_max2k2 said:
Goku some pretty neat scores, and the x2 is showing its power when its needed, 38fps in 1680x1050 very high is pretty impressive, and it also takes up the fastest vhigh score (my 9800gtx sli :p ) , could you post the score in the format as mentioned in the first post or just look at posts above u and I'll add them in the leaderboard.
