CSS not working

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guys,i recently reinstalled windwos and hence ahd to reinstall even CSS and now im not able to do so as the cabinet file(css3) in the 3rd cd is corrupt.:S

so is ther neone who can gimme the 3rd cd or can i get a replace ment or sumthin(how much time will replacement cost?)

guys,plz help me out here.:(
dont waste time installing from the cd. the CD has a very old version.
just get a backup from somebody and then install STEAM. It will take about 10 min to get it running if you get the games backed up from somebody.

btw why did u try reinstalling the game? I have Steam folder on another partition, i have reinstalled windows and i never had to reinstall steam :S
The best way to reinstall steam is through the backup CD/DVD rather then the bundled CD's... As sandy pointed out try to get the backup from a friend and do the needful...
Oh yeah i got the same error once. Set the compatibility mode to windows 98 and it works fine. Or if u want a backup i can give u one.
noooo!!!!!damn this shyt!!

it isnt working!!after the backup program starts it gets stuck at like 50/60 %.u thnk its a prob with the cd or sumthin else??guys plz help me out asap.
Man, Just install Steam.

Let it update.

Put the .gcf files in the Steamapps folder and then delete clientregistry.blob in the Steam folder.

And restart Steam.

Voila. Done. :).
Where are you trying to copy the backup file to? Its a compressed archive and u cant just copy it. Maybe ur backup copy is screwed, get another one.
are the gcfs on all the disks??btw wat steammaps??ther is no steam maps ffolder??

edit-it says 'not enough storage is available to complete this operation'.this happens wen i try to copy css3(cab file) in the 3rd cd.
ur having a problem installing the game? or updating steam?

if prior then try isobuster to extract the game files in raw format when the game asks for the disk, guide it to the file location...

if latter then get a hold of ur friends SteamApps folder and paste it in ur X:\Prog Files\Valve\Steam where X: is ur Drive letter where steam is installed :)
delete ur clientregister.blob file which exists in X:\prog Files\valve\steam :)
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