Car & Bike Customs duty on 4 Wheeler automobile new/used?

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I was looking forward to import a modified sports car from abroad.. I had researched and found out that customs duty is 171% .. But I am not able to understand how do customs guys evaluate the CIF value? do they look up on internet and then deduct depreciation or they take in Invoice amount as the CIF value?

also another thing I was wondering if we want a vehicle at a state where there is no port, how are we supposed to do vehicle registration do we drive it to our state? or take it in truck? or temporarily register it to the state where it is imported? I'm lost.

Please help..
AFAIK, the only way of getting it cheap is for a returning emigrant who wishes to bring the car along with him. There are almost zero taxes, only registration + other duties/etc.
^that is the cheapest way - but i think there is a restriction that the person bringing the car back has to have owned for a minimum of 6 months (or 1 year) and it should be in his name.
^^ it is 3 or 5 years i reckon and not 6 months.. also AFAIK, you cannot import a used vehicle as per indian rules..
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