Cyber-Blue Bluetooth v2.0 EDR Class 2 (IVT Bluesoliel) software for Win 7 x64

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bought this from kmd and have Bluesoliel one and not the WIDCOMM one

the cd which came with shows it evaluation software

tried all softwares of anycom in the thread link

tried HP stack , toshiba stack , widicomm but still its not working

Downloaded a working bluesoliel software from other means but its not working in nokia pc suite

have the latest pc suite installed but it doesnt show in it .

i would be grateful if somebody can give me a solution for this

i am not even using the dongle to its optimum utilization :( :(

i read in the thread that many others were also not able to use it

any updates guys ??

in amazon reviews at Customer Reviews: Cyber-Blue BlueTooth v2.0 Class 2 Slim Dongle CB-BT2-USB-DONGLE CBBT2USBDONGLE

the reviews say that people were not able to use it with x64

(suggestions can also be sent by pms:ohyeah: )

thanks in advance
I got the same dongle from kmd. The drivers that came with the cd worked fine on xp but now im on vista and those drivers dont work anymore.

I've tried all the driver links in KMD's thread .... no joy :(

How to run it in vista 32 bit ?
Argus said:
I got the same dongle from kmd. The drivers that came with the cd worked fine on xp but now im on vista and those drivers dont work anymore.
I've tried all the driver links in KMD's thread .... no joy :(
How to run it in vista 32 bit ?

Try to connect it and then update the driver using Microsoft Update...I think it should be resolved since others are using it on x64...:)

Just give it a shot mate and let us know what happens...:hap2:
MTG said:
did u try ahem for the Bluesoliel

downloaded the latest software from their website

tells i am using evaluation software with a 2mb restriction

dongle works but in evaluation only

alsiladka said:
The IVT Bluesoleil bluetooth dongles are regognized out of the box in Windows 7. IVT drivers are not required.

i have 2 dongles where'Bus Reported Device Description ' is ISSCBTM and Manufacturer is IVT Corporation

one of them is kmd's one

both dont work natively in win 7 x64

i have another one of Conwise Tech which works natively in win 7

Both the IVT dongles when i insert them without 3 party software win7 doesnt recognize them ie their hardware description . It shows them as bluetooth radios in device manager with the yellow dot and the error is windows couldnt start the hardware etc.....

Point is it doesnt show hardware ids in the details tab in device manager ...

if a 3 party software like a Bluesoliel taken from rapidhare etc... is installed then it works fine and shows the correct details.

there is also no advanced tab also where all Name , Address , Manufacture id and HCI version is given .

the third dongle i have of conwise gets installed by default but there r lots of unknown Bluetooth Peripheral device . pls see the pic att

when i try to search online this is the error

error pic att

i get the same error for the IVT dongles also

now the funny part conwise doesnt use the Bluesoliel software but uses the win 7 default bluetooth drivers even when Bluesoliel is installed .

harware ids

USB\VID_0E5E&PID_6622&REV_0134 Conwise

USB\VID_1131&PID_1001&REV_0373 IVT kmd's
guys if somebody is ready to use 3rd party software : Bluesoliel then it works but only the older version BlueSoleil v6.0.227.0 IVT X64

latest version crashes immediately

BUT nokia pc suite doesnt work with it -- BlueSoleil v6.0.227.0 IVT X64

atleast was able to use the dongle instead of it lying around

u can pm me or jampack about details of BlueSoleil v6.0.227.0 IVT X64


this BlueSoleil v6.0.227.0 IVT X64 version or the latest one also doesnt work with my conwise dongle . Dongle is taking native Win 7 drivers but see the pic att in post no 7 . drivers are not complete .

any solution to solving that also would be greatly appreciated .

Crazy_Eddy@ thanks for merging my above 3 posts couldnt find how to do it
i am glad kuduku that it worked out for u :)

I however dont like bluesoleil and still am looking for a better alternative.
jampack said:
i am glad kuduku that it worked out for u :)
I however dont like bluesoleil and still am looking for a better alternative.

this is a attempt to use this dongle with which i paid my hard earned money
I am not into programming stuff so if u are able to add those VIds and PIDs or are able to find a better solution pl tell me also :hap2:

i had this Bluesoliel software but it is unstable gives lots of probs thats why didnt post it earlier
pm route is always open :hap2:
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