bought this from kmd and have Bluesoliel one and not the WIDCOMM one
the cd which came with shows it evaluation software
tried all softwares of anycom in the thread link
tried HP stack , toshiba stack , widicomm but still its not working
Downloaded a working bluesoliel software from other means but its not working in nokia pc suite
have the latest pc suite installed but it doesnt show in it .
i would be grateful if somebody can give me a solution for this
i am not even using the dongle to its optimum utilization
i read in the thread that many others were also not able to use it
any updates guys ??
in amazon reviews at
Amazon.com: Customer Reviews: Cyber-Blue BlueTooth v2.0 Class 2 Slim Dongle CB-BT2-USB-DONGLE CBBT2USBDONGLE
the reviews say that people were not able to use it with x64
(suggestions can also be sent by pms
hyeah: )
thanks in advance
bought this from kmd and have Bluesoliel one and not the WIDCOMM one
the cd which came with shows it evaluation software
tried all softwares of anycom in the thread link
tried HP stack , toshiba stack , widicomm but still its not working
Downloaded a working bluesoliel software from other means but its not working in nokia pc suite
have the latest pc suite installed but it doesnt show in it .
i would be grateful if somebody can give me a solution for this
i am not even using the dongle to its optimum utilization

i read in the thread that many others were also not able to use it
any updates guys ??
in amazon reviews at
Amazon.com: Customer Reviews: Cyber-Blue BlueTooth v2.0 Class 2 Slim Dongle CB-BT2-USB-DONGLE CBBT2USBDONGLE
the reviews say that people were not able to use it with x64
(suggestions can also be sent by pms

thanks in advance