Daily Memes Thread

I read that as Modi, initially

Reminds me of the story we had growing up (school days).

Indian dignitary was going to banquet at the English Embassy where they would be seated alternately by gender. Since he did not know good English, he asked for two or few questions he could ask his neighbors. So he was told ask about their children, if they were married, etc. and given a few questions.

So he turns to his first neighbor and after politely saying hello asks

Do you have any children? The woman answers in the affirmative... He then asks

Are you married? The woman turns away from him in a huff.

He is confused and thinks he asked the wrong questions somehow. So determined to do better he turns to his other neighbor and asks

Are you married? The woman answers that she is not married and smiles, so thinking "Ah, now I am on the right track", he asks

Do you have any children? - and he is dismayed when this woman also turns away from him in a huff.

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