Audio DAP Confusion:HM-601 Vs S:Flo2 Vs x7(?)

As for the purpose of trying it out , i am in for HM601 , only if someone pre-books his RE-ZERO to me :p

Let amarbir , get his combo deal .

Will try my hands on HM601 , and update all of you here , how good / bad it actually is :)
I was looking forward to Cowon D3 too but then i knw for a fact that this DAP is gonna cost a Bomb. The Cowon x7 with no bells and whistles has a street price of 18K in India so you can only imagine what D3 would cost with all the extra features. Wifi in Cowon dsnt make sense since it
The Economics of DAP and AMPS, Give us an Amp that just does one thing perfectly i.e play music, we really dont require Apps,Android,bluetooth,gyro meter etc, they just increase the cost of the base DAP.
No seriously why would require Apps or bluetooth,Wifi in your DAP? Doesnt your phone have all of these :ashamed:
look at Sansa CLip+ it dsnt even offer a proper Display but it still outsells every other player out there just by the way of dishing out quality music :p
I am just saying from a Cost Effective/Value for money perspective. If Cowon comes out with a Player in the range of 20K that has Android etc but sounds like S9 how many people would actually go for it and not HM-602?AT 18K price point its a direct competitor of Apple range of DAPS whihc actually have an App market for DAPS as opposed to Android
my phone is the legendary 1100 !, but were are not talking about me here !

d3 is posed to replace the phones. the thing is phones,, do not have enough battery life due to obvious reasons .

D3 is a competitor for ipod touch , why will it sell if it does not have comparable features !

Sansa clip+ sold more than ipod ??!? dont kid yourself !
Seriously how in the world can a DAP from Cowon even target to replace a phone? It dsnt even make calls or have an camera all it does have is Wifi but with no Apps availability for D3, so the Wifi etc is usefull to browse the Internet a functionality that it available with most low end phones too. D3 dsnt have an exception batter life too as stated above it has just 21 Hrs or Audio Playback!
ON the same note D3 cannot compete with ipod Touch on any level, The Apple UI and Apps just thrash the competition right there. I am not saying that this is a bad PMP has but then we all know Cowon lacks a Decent UI to back up its products in the 15-20K price bracket.
I would not say anything more about it until it actually hits the streets :p
From the initial Reviews it seems that the Cowon X7 and D3 are not worth investing your money in.
Can anyone point out if any other 'exciting' player is going to be released in the near future that it worth the wait as i would have to anyways wait to get my hands on the S:Flo2 that i ordered.
I know of FiiO X3 but the details are quite Vague and the production date isnt official too. The biggest Drawback it that it hasnt got any Internal Storage so its gonna be pretty much low on battery.
THey said the battery life is going to be better than Sflo and HM602/1/801

well they might have 2 Micro SD slot though. so 64GB of Data is pretty big! ( well 80% it wont but if it does :D)

If you have any innovative ideas, you should share them at the Head-fi thread. THey are listening ! :D , i hope its not too late to give ideas.
Yeah just going through the thread at Head-Fi.
So apart from X3 is there no other player to look forward to(non chinese ones)? Isnt Sony coming up with something?
IF you can afford the Sony X , its the BEst! WITH Awesome UI and Awesome SQ.!!

Some say its a lot better than Sflo , some say its comparable , But still if its comparable , thats one heck-of-a-player !! :D

Buy it ! , if you dont like it , i'll buy it off you at 1K off, you pay for it ! :p

Sony X's newer iteration might be coming in also, i dont know about it though ! :(
strategy said:
IF you can afford the Sony X , its the BEst! WITH Awesome UI and Awesome SQ.!!

Some say its a lot better than Sflo , some say its comparable , But still if its comparable , thats one heck-of-a-player !! :D
Could you post a link of this comparison or review done by anyone if possible sir.
I tried the sony X series....

But A series is Much better....

THe sound quality is seriously mind blowing....

But the major problems might be driving high impedence phones....
The volume was enough with my TF10, ....
I would suggest an Ipod 5.5G rockboxed...
Seriously it blows out other players if properly configured....

and could be upgraded to 64gb Iflash (Which I'm currently doing)...

Get the Ipod (If you dont mind a used one)
Else Sony A series or X series.....
Baaah .Over rated stuff IMO.Spend on any decent player and rest on a good IEM / portables . The improvement a super expensive awesome player will provide over anything else is hardly 10 or max 15-20% of extra detailing and power.Diminishing returns basically. There will be times you wont be able to tell the difference unless doing a critical listen. Do you really need to spend so much on a PMP ?

Totally based on personal experience and opinion .
@ benny , Hmm, i saw that many times when i was looking in to DAPs :( cant seem to find direct comparisons , will post it when i see it ! :)

But really i have read, its amp section is good and among the best.

@ thir... , Sony X are not available in india , are you sure it was sony X.

@faheem, Yeah, Most toptier IEMs are very sensitive and hardly require an amp. Clip+/FUze do fine . But still with some IEMs like , RE0, Brainwavz M1 amping does make a lot of difference