Dark Messiah for free

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sn4k382 said:
No one wanted to play it when they had to pay. Now that its free everyone does :D

that's quite true. however, even if one wanted to buy the game it would be a hassle... i don't know if it ever released at retail here in india, and the game is not available for our region on steam.
The server encountered an error and could not complete your request.

If the problem persists, please report your problem and mention this error message and the query that caused it. ..

:( :(
it will be displayed ass soon as you register you have to wait i guess

go easy on the site guy's reminds me of the paymate offer :lol:
ubergeek said:
it will be displayed ass soon as you register you have to wait i guess

go easy on the site guy's reminds me of the paymate offer :lol:

arre m already regtd and now i closed that page wers it displayed the cd-key??:S
WingZero said:
arre m already regtd and now i closed that page wers it displayed the cd-key??:S

1)Click on that link on the website
2)register(since u have allready registered login)
3)on the next page there is a green button click on it and u will get ur key

but as i said, that part of site is down
Dr.ashish said:

1)Click on that link on the website

2)register(since u have allready registered login)

3)on the next page there is a green button click on it and u will get ur key

but as i said, that part of site is down

yea figured that after sometime. Still didnt get the key.

woot got the cd key finally. will do the dl soon.:D
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