Hello FOlks, one of my Seagate 1TB ST31000528AS FWCC36 went kaput all of a sudden, Need your able guidance in getting my data back.
I hear no CLicking noise
The drive doesnt pass any of the seatools test
Im not able to do chkdsk
Although can see the hdd in windows explorer but when try to acceess any data it says the data is corrupted , deleted or moved
I can feel the drive motor is moving and its running little bit hot.
The hdd tune screen shot shows red as per below image.
I tried running the Easus partial data recovery but it didnt make any sense to me as i was not able to access what i recovered.
Anyhelp in this regards is highly appreciated, thanks in advance
I hear no CLicking noise
The drive doesnt pass any of the seatools test
Im not able to do chkdsk
Although can see the hdd in windows explorer but when try to acceess any data it says the data is corrupted , deleted or moved
I can feel the drive motor is moving and its running little bit hot.
The hdd tune screen shot shows red as per below image.
I tried running the Easus partial data recovery but it didnt make any sense to me as i was not able to access what i recovered.
Anyhelp in this regards is highly appreciated, thanks in advance