DataOne Help URGENT!

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im switching to Dataone BB and i have a silly doubt whats the difference between dataone and dataone plus package ANYONE???? and whats the best Wi-FI router/modem shd i buy and it shd be compatible and work well with other ISPs?
If you mean the unlimited packages 900 & 900plus packages... then 900 is unlimited broadband and ur telephone plan remains the same... and plus is where u get unlimited broadband... and ur telephone plan gets changed to the 1 india plan.
i didnt apply for the connection yet! guys PLEASE I NEED HELP ASAP!!!! im waiting for ur suggestions.
U can buy any Netgear or Linksys ADSL WiFi router. It will work with dataone.

As for the plus plan; it will change ur landline plan to zero rental. Other plans dont touch ur landline plan.
I had initially decided on going with BSNL. But I was told that they have exhausted the ports on the switch at my exchange, and that it would be a couple of months(March 2007):O before they can provide new connections.

Airtel: they do not provide the service in our area.

Iqara: is avail in my area

Tata BB : '' ' ''' '''''' '' '''' '''' ''''''

which one shd i go for ?
hay guys sorry for writing in this old thread.... but as the thread says BSNL Dataone help...

i do need help with something...

the stupid MCU charges in the 900 plus unlimited plan of theirs...

i askd about it in my exchange and this is what they had to say

" MCU charges means rs.1 will be charged after every hour u spend on the net"

thats exactly what they i know that it doesent mean what they said and i even challenged them ....l but i m unable to find anything on the BSNL website which would clearly state that the MCU charges are not related to internet usage so that i could prove my point...

so i need help guys ... is there anyway i can prove to them that wt they are saying is wrong..

and guess what else they told me they said that theve been charging eery 900 plus user with rs.1 for everyhour they spend on the net and that those users get bill of around 4k to 5k... WTF WTF WTF...

ofcourse i m in "BIHAR" so i was expecting it.. but if theres anyway to prove it... then ill do something about those exchange walas....

need help.... the officials retards didnt even know what MCU stands for when i asked them...they just said its got something to do with the internet :(
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