DDR2 Ram buy or wait

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I am having some spare cash with me which I want to spend in 4gb Rams,I already have 4 GB and planning to but another set of 2*2 GB DDR2 800 Mhz Ram. I know abt 32 bit's 3 gb limitation and will be able to utilise around 6 GB easily with my VMs and games.

Only concern I am having right now is the pricing; its way too costly right now, at least of 5.1K from TE dealer. Though I heard at market section that rates are down to around 2K/stick at lamington road, I am yet to see that reflecting online or at S.P. road.

So should I go ahead and buy it or wait for a month or so.

Price of RAM is dipping in the past few days.


It says 2GB DDRII 800MHz Kingston RAM is Rs. 2275 :D

15 days back it was Rs.2600-2700

It may go down or go up.

Usually the Chennai RAM prices are slightly higher than Delhi and Mumbai IINM. Also is mostly on par with Blore. You should be able to gett one for ~2.3k locally today:D So hurry.
You have 4GB already. I don't think the additional sticks would be worthwhile.

I'd say save the moolah instead.
^^ I know that :), but got bonus from last company so have to spend some amount somewhere. I don't want to invest it all at reliance jwells for my wife. ;)

Thanks for the update man, let me check with S.P. road guys. I just wonder though why TE dealers do not change their rates with fluctuation.

Just checked with Dinesh and he told me that transcend is 2.4 and kingston is 2.3 + VAT:(
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