Alrighty folks, about time we had a thread for Extraction since some of us have been playing it, we might as well discuss about the game.
For the uninitiated, Extraction is a prequel to the first title Dead Space, originally released for the Nintendo Wii during Q4 2009, it was later ported to the PS3 (Q1 2011 along with Dead Space 2) with added graphical enhancements, included with the limited edition version of Dead Space 2 and also available as a separate purchase through the PSN.
This game unlike the previous Dead Space titles is essentially a rail shooter - meaning, the protagonist of the game follows a pre-defined route and the player has a limited degree of control over him. The game is best played using the dedicated motion-sensing controller from either platforms - playable using the DS3 controller as well. Newer species of necromorphs, new weapons and environments have been introduced to the game.
First impressions: Very good. Would have been better using the Move but enjoyable nonetheless. Since the movements are controlled by the AI itself, picking up consumables such as ammo, health, audio logs etc is a pain at times. The intro level was pretty short. The visuals look okay'ish at best although Visceral has re-worked on the original title released for the Wii (this might be just be me since I had completed Dead Space 2 on the PC sometime back). Might take some time to adopt to the control system since this is the first rail-shooter for me.
Here's a comparison between the Wii and the PS3 versions:
^That btw is the intro sequence for the game. Take a look!
For the uninitiated, Extraction is a prequel to the first title Dead Space, originally released for the Nintendo Wii during Q4 2009, it was later ported to the PS3 (Q1 2011 along with Dead Space 2) with added graphical enhancements, included with the limited edition version of Dead Space 2 and also available as a separate purchase through the PSN.
This game unlike the previous Dead Space titles is essentially a rail shooter - meaning, the protagonist of the game follows a pre-defined route and the player has a limited degree of control over him. The game is best played using the dedicated motion-sensing controller from either platforms - playable using the DS3 controller as well. Newer species of necromorphs, new weapons and environments have been introduced to the game.
First impressions: Very good. Would have been better using the Move but enjoyable nonetheless. Since the movements are controlled by the AI itself, picking up consumables such as ammo, health, audio logs etc is a pain at times. The intro level was pretty short. The visuals look okay'ish at best although Visceral has re-worked on the original title released for the Wii (this might be just be me since I had completed Dead Space 2 on the PC sometime back). Might take some time to adopt to the control system since this is the first rail-shooter for me.
Here's a comparison between the Wii and the PS3 versions:
^That btw is the intro sequence for the game. Take a look!