Link : http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nav_sap_mas_memday?_encoding=UTF8&hidden-keywords=B00C25OI36|B00J99WN9Y|B0091QS88K|B005ZFOOE8|B00I0WCIMI
After that, get this (if you have not bought it) : http://www.amazon.com/Grand-Theft-Auto-San-Andreas/dp/B00HCU7OCI for 700 coins (taxes additional) to get an addition 2000 coins. Then get the other games in the trilogy.
In addition, if you have never used the Amazon App Store, install it from here : http://www.amazon.com/gp/mas/get/android, there is an option to get 250 bonus coins for first purchase from a select category. The Plex App is also there.