DeathSpank - Discussion Thread

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Bah this title turned out to be a really short one. For a game based on the RPG genre i.e. Anyways it was good while it lasted. I had to use few hints to get around some of the objectives. So this isn't exactly pointless as I had put it before.

For instance, in one of the side missions, I did not know how to get rid of the wooden box to get the thing inside. Similarly for the cog wheel, there was a wooden rim attached to it. Figured out that the termite pool nearby was of help! :P

Clocked roughly 9 hours and achieved 90% completion. Couldn't be bothered about completing the rest of the side missions. Began the second part of the series - Thongs of Virtue. Gameplay is very similar to the first title except that there are ranged weapons such as bazookas, grenades, MGs etc.
The first one was short but pretty decent. Enjoyed every bit of it. :D

But, the second one becomes repetitive after some missions, or is it just me ?
^Nah I haven't played much. Just got out of the capture and blew up one big bomb to gain access to the other side.

IMO the second part should be played after a short break. This goes with games such as Ratchet & Clank. Jojo, I suppose you played the second part immediately after the first, so you might have found it repetitive. Heck, I am bound to feel the same soon! :ashamed:
I am through the second title with 83% completion. Completed close to 85 side quests and 35 main quests. The final mission remains. This one definitely kicks serious ass in terms of pure FUN! :D

I felt this game to be a whole lot better than the first in terms of the variety of objectives (other than just collecting poop and such crap!), a larger world to be explored, soundtracks, boss fights, arsenal options, lengthier gameplay etc. The first title concentrated perhaps on saving the orphans alone and a majority of missions revolved around that. Whereas this one seem to be vastly different. Although I must admit, at times some side quests feel monotonous and repetitive. Used to laugh my arse off at the responses from Deathspank and the notes mentioned for the objects in his inventory. :lol:

Looking forward to completing the game today before I head home for my vacation this weekend. :P
Completed the title and clocked 95% completion. Loved it thoroughly. The game has multiple endings, I chose the good one and Deathspank once again emerged as the VANQUISHER of evil. :D

The last Thongolith however gave me a hard time with those Elite Warriors spawning like rabbits! Died at least 5 times and finally figured out with the right shield was the trick.

I wish Hothead games could come up with a sequel. Adios Deathspank!
Behold! Our hero has returned in the sequel - The Baconing! :D







The Baconing looks like a proper DeathSpank sequel | A+E Interactive
This really sucks! :(

The game has been poorly received by the critics. This might be probably because Ron Gilbert wasn't involved the game's design unlike the other two games.

Anyhow, will play the game tonight and post back with the impressions.
Alright played the title for sometime yesterday and it appears that the title offers nothing new in terms of gameplay, combat or quests. A majority of the concepts have been borrowed from the previous titles such as the mundane quests (fetch, kill, gather etc), a gazillion weapons and armor, inventory management, OSTs, type of foes etc. The only noticeable change other than the level designs is the ability to do a shield bash; previously the shield could only be used to guard from the arrows and other projectiles from the enemy AI. The usual dose of hilarious dialogue exchanges are present though which seem to be one life saver other than the story.

As far as the storyline goes:

our hero wears all the 6 thongs retrieved from the anti-heros from the previous title 'Thongs of Virtue' and this gives rise to Antispank, the evil incarnation of Deathspank himself and now have to defeat him to bring peace to the world Spanktopia.

Folks who loved playing the other titles of Deathspank may like this one but that is pretty much about it. Unfortunately. That explains why the game hasn't scored well.
Completed the game yesterday. It was indeed underwhelming as the reviewers seem to put it. The quests felt boring, the same old OSTs from the previous titles were boring, the upgrades for the arms and their respective names were boring (Magic Sword of Magic wtf?), the boss battles were boring, Deathspank's costumes and armor were boring, the voice-acting were the most disappointing part. Most characters make a come-back from the previous titles.

Ganesha was one of the characters towards the later part of the game and he is one of those NPCs among Thor, Zeus and Hades! WTF is a Hindu lord doing amidst Greek deities?! And his voice acting was pathetic. Some Indian guy seemed to have lend his voice. :|

In short, play the title only if you have completed the previous two and want to complete the series, with a bunch of co-op partners maybe.
^They don't have anything new to offer in the game sadly. Ron Gilbert, the Monkey Island man wasn't involved in the development of this title. Probably why it turned out to be sour. :(
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