Decent 2.1 speaker system. Budget 2500/=

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Want a good 2.1 speaker system, i will use it mainly for music and movies and intend to use them at 40-50% volume level most of the time. So kindly suggest accordingly.
neerajvohra said:
rather than going for creative 2.1, i suggest to go for iBall tarang 4.1 which gonna cost you around 2k.
C'mon man, you are advising someone to buy iBall speakers. They are just like intex.....useless quality.

@OP: Where do you live? If you live around Chandigarh, check out the edifier speakers at lynx. Otherwise settle for the Altec lansing one because shipping may cost a lot for speakers. But remember edifier would be better but coslier with shipping.
iball tarang are not that bad. wooden cabinets, and the SQ is decent. they make great buys in the sub 2K region, and are somewhat better than the el cheapo altecs at the same price
I would again suggest you to go for the Edifiers. Just read a few review if particular model that you choose and compare them to the Altec Lansing one. From what I have read around, Altecs are not that good anymore. But whatever you buy, don't go for iBall.
@ OP where do you live? I could tell you a place where you can compare Edifiers and ALs in Bangalore.

ALPHA17 said:
+ 1 to Altec Lansing VS 4121 price ~ 2.7 Bangalore

greenhorn said:
iball tarang are not that bad. wooden cabinets, and the SQ is decent. they make great buys in the sub 2K region, and are somewhat better than the el cheapo altecs at the same price
Defo +1 on this. I tested some Edis and ALs around 2k - 3k range. Nothing really sounded pleasant without high levels of jarring at 70% volume. The Edi's honestly scared me. The iball tarangs with all wooden dabbas sound good at 40% - 75% and if the bass turns out too high, they cut off the sound (that's what they claim)
my personal exp with Vs4121 has not been good. First it was resonating bass issue, that was almost impossible to explain to Rashi. Then the replacement set too is super heavy bassed. I have to keep (the bass) at min level to let it work properly.

If you want to go with Altech, be ready for a pathetic A.S.S.
mk76 said:
my personal exp with Vs4121 has not been good. First it was resonating bass issue, that was almost impossible to explain to Rashi. Then the replacement set too is super heavy bassed. I have to keep (the bass) at min level to let it work properly.

If you want to go with Altech, be ready for a pathetic A.S.S.
Well atleast most of us here are not brand specific its more of need know your budget and you know what you can get.. choose the best..Simple thumb rule isn't it..

My 2 cents

i went to nehru place but i found only one shop with edifiers on display and they too were short on edifier c2, fortunately i found edifiers and tested them. Honestly now i am confused between edifier c2, m3200, AL 4121 and AL 4621 but unlike 4121 the 4621 dont have protection for drivers, and about 4121 the bass was really the issue :(
only one shop had edifier speakers at nehru place. but got lucky and had a chance to check out edifiers... now m confused between edifier c2, m3200, AL 4121 and AL4621.... 4121 definately have the bass issuse but as they have protection grill for drivers they r better then 4621 IMO....if the speakers are upto the mark i can upgrade my budget to 3~3.5k... and if you guys can please tell where can i get edifiers in delhi..
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