PC Peripherals Defraggle your motherdisc!

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Have a laugh .... :ohyeah:

A hard drive becomes fragmented very, very fast.
What happens is that all the tiny ones and zeros gets mixed and confused, and to get back the original speed on Your hard drive it's necessary to Defragment it.

There are several of different species of software to make this happen, but the most excellent way to do it is a hardwaredefragmentation. you'll only need some basic data-mechanical-skills to be able to accomplish this operation.
The ultimate way to go is to use an ordinary speaker (A car speaker of the Pioneer brand ,40 w is best to use for maximum performance, according to our Labs in Switzerland (the land of "coco"-clocks). Put the disc carefully on top of the speaker. Be sure not do any violent moves, we don't want the magnetic pieces to go beezerk.

:S :O
:D :ohyeah: :hap2:

Nice find:D:D

what if someone suggests same for you brain i am weary of those kinda doctors.......


nice find. thank god we did not have that kinda teachers in our college.
Hi ^vs^Bazza,

How full is your Hard Drive ?
More your hard drive reach his capacity more it come slow.

Have you FAT32 or NTFS?
What OS (Win 98,ME, 2000,NT, XP,...) you use ?

What about you virtual cache?
What size of your cache?

Do you defrag sometimes your hard drive?

I suggest to buy a CD burner if you don't have again and ALL time backup your important data.

Also buy a new hard drive is not so expensive today.

Do you use SMART Monitoring on your Hard Drive?
(if you don't know look your BIOS settings and read manual of your mobo (motherboard))
I suggest disabled it.

Are you sure you use 32Bit Data Transfer?
Again look your BIOS

Also maybe you are spyware or virus or other kind of this crap that your software can't detect.
Look your Task Manager. Normally it give you a good idea what program is in background.

If you use XP you can run "services.msc" to see what services they are.
Often they are too many activated for nothing.
Search on internet to know which is secure to deactivate.

Also if you use XP you can run "msconfig.exe" and choose the "Startup" tab (Services tab is similar to "services.msc").
There you will find what program run when you start Windows.

Be sure they are any crap there.
If you don't know, just search all these program on internet.
They you say if it's good or not.

Hope it would help you !
Have a nice day!

Came across this quiet some days ago, had shown it to masky, inzider and others I guess
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