Laptops Dell horrible service - Should I file a consumer case against Dell?

wonder why there are so many defective replacement parts. wonder if they are using refurb. a friend called em up to fix a partially working drive, and the tray in the replacement drive wouldnt even open :S
Renegade said:
The engineer came today and replaced the parts. One of the replacement parts was defective, as in wires had some problem, so he has raised another ticket for it. Glad that things have been done with. Still waiting to boot the laptop and try the new keyboard as it is showing a BSOD. Will try running a repair when I reach home.

Thanks to everyone who chipped in and people who guided me behind the scenes. Your help is highly appreciated. :D
Glad that there was a Happy Ending to this Story! My Personal Suggestion : Contact phone support Rather than Email or chat Support
ryanrulez4ever said:
Glad that there was a Happy Ending to this Story! My Personal Suggestion : Contact phone support Rather than Email or chat Support
I would disagree. In fact I would suggest sending an email even after talking on the phone regarding pending issues as it begins a paper trail and gets everything on record. Reduces future deniability by either party (especially the service provider) of having no recollection of the said phone call/s ;).
agupta02 said:
I would disagree. In fact I would suggest sending an email even after talking on the phone regarding pending issues as it begins a paper trail and gets everything on record. Reduces future deniability by either party (especially the service provider) of having no recollection of the said phone call/s ;).
This is precisely why I relied only on mail tickets. I have experienced this with banks and insurance companies. However surprisingly the email support and chat support was useless in case of Dell; phone support was instantaneous. However I did have to forward the mail with the camera shots of the laptop.

I guess the right way to go with Dell would be to call phone support first. If that doesn't help then get to mail so that you have a trail of communication.
agupta02 said:
I would disagree. In fact I would suggest sending an email even after talking on the phone regarding pending issues as it begins a paper trail and gets everything on record. Reduces future deniability by either party (especially the service provider) of having no recollection of the said phone call/s ;).
Like i said it was a Personal Suggestion, Maybe my experience, Not all companies work alike
agupta02 said:
I would disagree. In fact I would suggest sending an email even after talking on the phone regarding pending issues as it begins a paper trail and gets everything on record. Reduces future deniability by either party (especially the service provider) of having no recollection of the said phone call/s ;).

Yes but Phone support is where they actually respond quickly!

Rest of the places they have scripted answers!
Good stuff...that means Dell lived up to their promise!? In that case...your title of this thread is misleading now! I know you must've typed it in a fit of rage, that is why it is best to wait and watch. Emotions are misdirected energy!

If you did not know, the world/life WILL respond the way you respond to it. Life is like a Boomerang, you get what you give! Initially you threw a fit (burst on negative energy), you got an equal nonchalant response. In the middle you started to cool off, intelligently came to this forum, spoke to like minded ppl for guidance, you started to take proactive/positive steps and now you've got a response in the same way! Of course things are not always Tit for Tat the way I've put it, but I'm sure you get the general idea!

Life is always about the balance! ;)
nikrusty said:
Good stuff...that means Dell lived up to their promise!? In that case...your title of this thread is misleading now! I know you must've typed it in a fit of rage, that is why it is best to wait and watch. Emotions are misdirected energy!

If you did not know, the world/life WILL respond the way you respond to it. Life is like a Boomerang, you get what you give! Initially you threw a fit (burst on negative energy), you got an equal nonchalant response. In the middle you started to cool off, intelligently came to this forum, spoke to like minded ppl for guidance, you started to take proactive/positive steps and now you've got a response in the same way! Of course things are not always Tit for Tat the way I've put it, but I'm sure you get the general idea!

Life is always about the balance! ;)
This pravachan( speech) was brought to you, as an excerpt, from The Secret (Video 2006) - IMDb

nikrusty said:
Of course things are not always Tit for Tat the way I've put it, but I'm sure you get the general idea!

Life is always about the balance!
No I did not throw a fit of anger at any time during these 1.5 years. Not even when I started this thread. So all your assumptions are completely wrong. But I get the general idea, you liked a movie and wanted to share your thoughts. :p
I dont like Dell myself, there laptop always have sm problem , dnt know why people in this forum are so keen on suggesting Dell laptops to each other instead of HP which cost nearly same as Dell and they hv proffesional service center all over India.
rahul21 said:
I dont like Dell myself, there laptop always have sm problem , dnt know why people in this forum are so keen on suggesting Dell laptops to each other instead of HP which cost nearly same as Dell and they hv proffesional service center all over India.
:lol: HP has professional service?
time to contact endgadget? :p

find a cheap lawyer, send them notice of breach of terms. They agreed to provide to service for 3yrs On-site (and not walk-in).

attach receipts.

i guess you can push for this after having gone through all this.