Udit said:they are crap.
12-16ms response time.
^^Again, I would say...dont judge panels by their advertised response times.
Depending on the type of panel, there can be huge differences in the pixel refresh depending on whether turning from black to white, or black to gray. It can actually be slower to change from black to gray than it is to go from black to white for some panels. That can be a bit counterintuitive.
What this means for us (atleast for me) is that a 25ms IPS LCD panel works about as fast as a 16ms TN based LCD technology for the wide range of black to light gray. Only when a pixel is going from pure black to pure white is the TN actually faster. So in nearly every real-world application, the difference in smearing will be minimal. On the other hand, a PVA or MVA monitor that may be advertised as doing 25ms when going from black to white may very well need 70ms to turn from black to dark gray.
So, while pixel refresh is important, the way it is advertised is about as useful as megahertz for CPUs. Advertised response times’ll help you decide within a panel type only. (i.e. an 8ms TN screen is better than a 12ms TN screen, but a 20ms MVA screen will have significantly worse ghosting than a 25ms IPS panel)
Switch said:Just called them up and talked to them..... The 2007 is available for 30K after discount... The 1907 Ultra sharp is available for 23K after discount....
They will be mailing me more prices soon... i will post them on TE asap...
^^ I guess its now irrelevant to ask ya if ur gettin' one......aint it

So, I'm gonna ask...which one 're u gettin' ?