Can you mention what the issue is?I asked dealer and he said he will replace only if DEAD PIXEL is there.... but this is not dead pixel issue ....
A lot of people in India, some even here on TE, will unnecessarily RMA stuff just so they have a new piece. This is why manufacturers have started giving refurb replacements to discourage this activity.As DELL India siting on reason that the monitor I purchased is Manufactured 8 month Ago… hence they will not provide me New Monitor…
If any CC rep is unfriendly, escalate the issue and say you would like to speak to his supervisor.I talk to dell Customer Care (09-05-2016) and I found him UNFRIENDLY...
Can you share a picture of the issue ?
What issue do you have with your monitor? If you're seeing a spot, isn't that a dead or a stuck pixel?
Crazy & ryan....,
Issue is white SPOT (thumb size) little more brighter than white background of (blank page/word pad etc.) here and there scattered on all over screen (6-8).... It's certainly not dead pixel.
It's more problematic (at least for me) when... I scroll (even scrolling this TE Thread I view same and not happy with...) forum, text page, google search, word documents etc.
Dell S2216H really really BAD MONITOR for TEXT (because of spots in back ground)
about picture I tried 10-15 times, the spot I can see when I enlarge pics on my desktop but other person (3 person confirmed same) are not able to see same on their Monitor.... out of 3 one person visit my place (on my request) and he too agree that he was not able to view same on his (Matte Monitor) but Clearly Visible on/in my monitor (IPS) + in pics too.
I don't' have high-end camera but just mobile cam.... so....
Hi,1) Post pics of the monitor here
2) Escalate the issue with Dell and tell what they say. Use the points that members have said.
3) Contact the dealer and ask him to either replace or ask Dell to replace with a new one. He SHOULD be able to help if he is a dealer.
4) Stop asking people to not buy dell when they are trying to help you.
5) Tell us what happens.
i can arrange help for you only if you show me the issue , my belief is very simple " seeing is believing" until i see it i wont comment on it .... if you dont have a high end camera , im sure you must be having a mobile phone and all mid end cameras these days are atleast 5 MP which is more than enough for the task ,
I have 8 MP Samsung Cam and post 4-5 pictures to dell on Twitter and the person who received same KEEP saying that he don't find any issue with Monitor screen (but obvious... DELL is not interested or they know about same in advance and are not in mood to recall or replace).
Dell even not ready to send their Engineer to verify my claim (issue).. isn't it enough to know about Dell India Customer Care?
..DELL just want me to accept refub. monitor and close the issue
wait wait wait , you are contradicting your statements , you are saying that Dell is not ready to send engineer to verify your claim and on other hand you are saying that they are asking you to accept refurb,
Please note even if they give you a refurb, first an engineer will come over and once he confirms that there is an issue is when they will go ahead and issue a replacement
one more thing if you look at warranty clause it clearly says that they will replace it with a certified or a known good part , and it doesn't say anything about a brand new part !,
I asked DELL CC to send Engineer to check Monitor and if they found that the issue is there than only I will decide to go with Refub. or not.
If they said that this is DELL IPS MONITOR FEATURE (IPS Technology Limitation) and Present with ALL DELL IPS Monitors than there is no need to change.
In reply Dell CC told me that if Engineer visit me than I HAVE TO ACCEPT refurbished. (Agar Engineer aapke place pe aye to aapko aapka monitor dena hi hoga aur refurbsihed accept karna he hoga, aap mana nahin kar sakte).
Please forward me Dell India Warranty Page Link/URL? (Does it mean that if a Monitor is NOT PREFECT from time it's OUT OF BOX than DELL will OFFER REFURBISHED in place of your BRAND NEW UNUSED MONITOR ... Right? .. and you MUST ACCEPT it HAPPILY)
Check below image posted at here, by user Santosh on 23 April 2016, I'm facing same issue... he too found various pressure mark, I also found 6-8 such marks, consider how hard it to be to use monitor with such issue... from day one...
[DOUBLEPOST=1463223642][/DOUBLEPOST]This is my Dell S2216H (issue highlighted images)
[DOUBLEPOST=1463226178][/DOUBLEPOST]@puns @Crazy_Eddy @Party Monger @ryanrulez4ever
I hope all of you got the issue ...
I asked him why refurbished? .... I want new... than he replied "with us you will get REFURBISHED ONLY and if you want NEW than go to place from where you bought and your seller (via his distributor) will arrange NEW FOR YOU".... talk over.... (Have a nice day.... thanks for contacting dell and he hook up)
Thats backlight bleeding. Could you now check with complete black screen? I bet you notice it more evidently.
May I know if its glowing at the spots that you think there is a lot more light as you were suggesting? The bleed appears as if there is a much lighter darkness on the spot of the bleed than others. Thats quite common with IPS panels. If you think you can move along with what you have (ofcourse the bleed and nothing else), then I guess thats it. But if you still wanna continue challenging this with the seller or the manufacturer, you can go ahead but that doesnt guarantee and bleedless screen even if you get a brand new sealed one.Hi rakesh_ic,
I'm not tech person nor expert, so I don't know how to test backlight bleeding.
I took this video help and didn't find any spot/pressure mark etc... but found screen is glowing. (is Glowing Screen while watching this Video is Defect or normal with IPS Panel?)
@ryanrulez4ever @Lord Nemesis .. so the issue, what I'm facing, is IPS Technologies Shortfall and are there with 90% monitors than are you suggesting me to close the matter (and to change this Thread Title)?
Please suggest,