PC Peripherals Dell S2409W - Not so good Idea

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sg3707 said:
OK. Had a chat with customer care.

The testing procedure was to power on the monitor and remove the VGA cable and check whether the brightness has increased. I thought WTF.........

Then he said I would receive a new monitor on Monday. I asked him I dont want a new monitor..I just wanted this issue sorted. He said they can't do anything, but send a new monitor.

I wish it has no more issues...

Dude...are you out of your ****ING MIND ??? Whats wrong with getting a new monitor ? It's so much better than getting this ****ed up one repaired.

Edit: Unless when you said "NEW" it meant a totally different model and not a S2409. If you get one better than S2409, then agree. If they're replacing your ****ed up one with a "BRAND NEW" peice, then all the better :D
^^ 2 Days of Usage..What does it matter even I am getting a newer one ......even if that one is also *****ed up.......then

Just wanted a good working lcd
sg3707 said:
^^ 2 Days of Usage..What does it matter even I am getting a newer one ......even if that one is also *****ed up.......then

Just wanted a good working lcd

think positive man.
If the new one does not satisfy you, then we'll discuss on that. till then

:) :)
i always look at my dell lcd with expectations of it conking out and me getting a bigger and better lcd for free!!! its infectious once you move up the ladder to the 24incher from a 19 incher!! come on be positive and hope that you get an excellent lcd!!
shailesh1986 said:
Have a look at both benq and dell side by side and decide u r self which one is better...http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1362513

The below quote is from the forum you mentioned... guess you didnt read till the end!

I was playing Crysis at the start it looked crap but then when I loaded the game and was in the level, the BenQ looked just as good as the Dell. I have now swaped the cables around from the graphics card and now the BenQ is like the Dell was and the Dell is like the BenQ was.
Now What...!!!

Recieved ST2410 instead of s2409W, which is 600 bucks cheaper than 2409. This is what I was cribbing abt..understood..luck goes both ways..

This lcd with white bezel at the back is quite good looking. has all the inputs of 2409(DVI, HDMI, VGA). color reproduction wise it is similar to 2409.

Again had a chat with DELL A.S.S and they said they will send one more tommorow with the same part number of s2409w.

The strange problem which I noticed with this is suppose if more than half of the monitor is covered with dark colors such as dark blue, black..the brightness automatically reduces. It becomes Dull. I dont know whether this is a feature, but I didn't like because if u r viewing a web page the brightness oscillates between light and dark backgrounds.
Why did you take that lcd knowing it was of the lesser value.search some monitor models and accept the model which is an upgrade to your original older model.
All you guys who have the S2409W, can you see the first line of black boxes (1,2,3,4). Cause hell I cannot. Now I am worried sh**. My monitor is like 72 hours old.
One more update -

They have sent a Refurbished S2409W....Dell A.S.S is awesome..refurbished...U must be Kidding me...

I have used for only one day and they send me a refurb....I never thought this could happen with Dell. Daily I am spending 30min - 1 Hr with their CC. I need to repeat the same story with 3 to 4 people every time and they transfer me to another section after hearing the whole story...

As I informed before ST2410 also has some brightness issues..the brightness keeps fluctuating between bright and dark backgrounds on the screen. Suppose If a web page has black graphics(more than 40% of the screen)..the brightness is dull else it is bright.

But the problem comes when there is a combination of bright and dark graphics in the same page the monitor brightness flickers.

Is there any way to give their monitor back and get my money back so that I can buy a Benq or Samsung.
AFAIK they usually offer refunds within the first 30 days, if you're having consistent issues with your monitor.

Their replacement policy has always been to offer refurbished monitors. Though in your case since its 1 day old, it does seem odd.

BTW how many Dells did you buy :huh:
asingh said:
^^ Oh shoot. How you could tell it is a refurbished unit...?

1st Point : The box was way bigger than the regular.
2) There was no standard packaging(no power chord, no manual..nothing)
3) The stand is already attached to the monitor
Finally there is BIG sticker on the box " Refurbished Item "

Any one could easily tell it is a refurbhished Item.

Crazy_Eddy said:
AFAIK they usually offer refunds within the first 30 days, if you're having consistent issues with your monitor.

Their replacement policy has always been to offer refurbished monitors. Though in your case since its 1 day old, it does seem odd.

BTW how many Dells did you buy :huh:

Bought S2409W..Experienced both S2409W and ST2410
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