Now What...!!!
Recieved ST2410 instead of s2409W, which is 600 bucks cheaper than 2409. This is what I was cribbing abt..understood..luck goes both ways..
This lcd with white bezel at the back is quite good looking. has all the inputs of 2409(DVI, HDMI, VGA). color reproduction wise it is similar to 2409.
Again had a chat with DELL A.S.S and they said they will send one more tommorow with the same part number of s2409w.
The strange problem which I noticed with this is suppose if more than half of the monitor is covered with dark colors such as dark blue, black..the brightness automatically reduces. It becomes Dull. I dont know whether this is a feature, but I didn't like because if u r viewing a web page the brightness oscillates between light and dark backgrounds.