^^ The document may be really genuine, but with the form its in, it doesn't have an ice cubes chance in hell of being considered as legitimate evidence in any court of law.
That's similar to what I think of when someone says, "If not BJP then which party?" and I'm like "I'd rather take corrupt, lazy, and greedy any day over corrupt and driven".
Agreed. The truth does not always stand up to judicial scrutiny. So if courts don't find something to be true in the eyes of the law, it doesn't necessarily follow that it was falsehood. Having said that, in public discourse, it's best to be politically correct.^^ The document may be really genuine, but with the form its in, it doesn't have an ice cubes chance in hell of being considered as legitimate evidence in any court of law.
Agreed.Like Modi didn't insulate himself from the bribes. That's like most basic step of money laundering.
That means SC is stupid or it's full of bhakts.Re: Above entries. The SC hasn't taken these entries seriously & dismissed them as fictitious. Prashant Bhushan, though, maintains that there are more such documents that the Court hasn't yet scrutinized.
India is the most extreme and destructive example of the anticash fad currently sweeping governments and the economics profession. Countries are moving to ban high-denomination bills, citing the rationales trotted out by New Delhi. But there's no misunderstanding what this is truly about: attacking your privacy and inflicting more government control over your life.
When are 50 days gonna be over?
When are 50 days gonna be over?
BMC is spending some 2000+ crores on building new schools when all the previous studies show that children are dropping out of BMC run schools due to lack of teachers and maintenance. Maha is first in leeching crores from every corner of the govt kitty.Rs3,600 crore ($530 million)Thats Damn Damn Expensive just for a statue
Whats the need to spend on such things, when basic purpose not getting fulfilled...
we badly need education, infrastructure, food, better hospitals...