Not fake news. All I got was a fake PM.
So, NO Citation. Glad you accepted peddling Fake News here.
Not fake news. All I got was a fake PM.
Probably Demonetisation wasn't a appropriate move economically speaking , but politically was a very brave move ; it reaped lot of benefits for Modi and Co.
Having said that, with GDP and growth rates remaining almost unchanged with improved revenue to exchequer ; seems the opposition overhyped the ill effects of Demonetisation as much as govt hyped the advantages. Undoubtedly voters are much intelligent on whom to support.
Govt benefited by more than Rs 6000cr in tax returns
Probably Demonetisation wasn't a appropriate move economically speaking , but politically was a very brave move ; it reaped lot of benefits for Modi and Co.
Having said that, with GDP and growth rates remaining almost unchanged with improved revenue to exchequer ; seems the opposition overhyped the ill effects of Demonetisation as much as govt hyped the advantages. Undoubtedly voters are much intelligent on whom to support.
Govt benefited by more than Rs 6000cr in tax returns
Citation Please, Sounds like you got Fake news.
Citation Needed. Idiotic rants will be ignored.What, you didn't read/hear his speech where he said he'll resign if he fcuks up the demon... ? No citation is gonna convince people who ignore reality and accept politician's lies...
Citation Needed. Idiotic rants will be ignored.
Idiotic citation demands will also be ignored. Google india and news and modi if you want.
Obviously, the primary goal of the demon.. was to break the backs of the opposition and pave the way to win 2019. And obviously it will favour the party that implemented it, because why else would they do it? Would they actually come out with a plan which would maybe benefit the country in the long term but bring them financial losses? No way jose. So it's no surprise they made a shit load of money by 'tax' on 'black money'.
Black money, corruption etc. are all just BS PR phrases used to overwhelm the minds of sheep. If you really want to see the negative effects of demon.. just go out at street level and see how many people who were already struggling with their businesses financially, now are completely broken. But of course the PR wagon doesn't acknowledge all these, just keeps spouting nonsense like make xyz great again, and acche din and india shining before that. Effing politicians and their poison.
And, voters, intelligent? Haha, that's the biggest joke. If voters were really intelligent, you wouldn't have people like modi or trump in power. Only other explanation is voters REALLY are intelligent, but results are rigged anyway.
Honestly, what bothers me more than these corrupt politicians' lies are the supposedly intelligent people who support them...
Thanks for highlighting the most pertinent aspect of discussion, we are technical forum and citation to support your point is a minimum you can ask for.So, No Citation. That's fine.
Sorry if this is a off-topic. While cleaning the bookshelf found around eight old 500 rupees notes. Should I just throw it away now?
Don't know how true it is but I read that you can change in RBI till 31-Mar-2017Sorry if this is a off-topic. While cleaning the bookshelf found around eight old 500 rupees notes. Should I just throw it away now?
Get ready to be arrested buddy.
Keep it to remind yourself how money becomes useless overnight.Sorry if this is a off-topic. While cleaning the bookshelf found around eight old 500 rupees notes. Should I just throw it away now?
Laminate the notes for historical recordsSorry if this is a off-topic. While cleaning the bookshelf found around eight old 500 rupees notes. Should I just throw it away now?
Khodha Parvat, Nikla chooha!Govt benefited by more than Rs 6000cr in tax returns