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Party Monger said:
Ur from nagpur?

Hmmm..i think those smell different..dont they?

Hehe not from Nagpur, but used to frequent Nagpur. And for the fragrance part I told you I was kidding. :)
a decent perfume like ck1 or aqua digio will last way longer than any dio ofcourse its too expensive..but i prefer it over deo's

good powder+ decent perfume..
thetoxicmind said:
Axe : Much hyped, Doesn't last long and the newer fragrances suck.

Most of the AXE range is over hyped but still some are good.. Do try AXE SHOCK... Its really good, lasts quite long...
HailStonE said:
Most of the AXE range is over hyped but still some are good.. Do try AXE SHOCK... Its really good, lasts quite long...

Yeah, I do give the new ones a try, every now and then.
Some are unique and some are concoctions of existing fragrances.
Currently using the Instinct and its pretty decent.
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