Storage Solutions Did i just waste 3 DVDs

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ok..heres what happened:

i had three movies on DVD-9s. i wanted to retain their video quality and hence decided to use 2 dvd-5s per movie. I chose the DVD X-XOPY for the task (it had a neat option to do this).

well..burnt all the movies onto 6 moserbaer 8X DVD5s and popped them in the HT. Movie-1 started and the quality was AWESOME(no loss). Then i popped in the second dvd and it began playing where the first movie left off...the i noticed some blurring in some was minor..but it was there!

So, decided to check what was the cause. Put the dvd back into the comp and started started playing at the correct chapter only...but then i started scanning for the previous chapters and voila...the whole movie was present on the second DVD :@ ...conned :S !

now that i got that out of my system..guys..please suggest some gud DVD copy tool that will split a DVD9 into 2 DVD5s
Nero Vision Express is good, but I've only done conversions from a DVD9 to a single DVD5. There is an apparent loss in quality but nothing that you'll notice unless you have a 50 inch display.

MOD edit: Please edit instead of replying again !

Nero Recode to be more precise.
tracerbullet said:
Nero Vision Express is good, but I've only done conversions from a DVD9 to a single DVD5. There is an apparent loss in quality but nothing that you'll notice unless you have a 50 inch display.

MOD edit: Please edit instead of replying again !

Nero Recode to be more precise.

i noticed it quite clearly on my 34inch Hitachi
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