Die Hard 4.0 ... Review And a Poll

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I Thought this movie was preety comicy, there was no swearing and hardly any blood!

the copy i watched was fairly poo though, it was on the internet, i watched it online with veoh. i would recommend it but it'll never beat the first 1! that was amazing!! i loved that movie!!!:P bruse willis looks a bit too old and i hate that Dudes voice, him out of jeepers creepers!!:P:D
Unrealistic said:
It's not such a great flick. Like the thread starter stated, mindless movie with awesome action & stunts, and that's exactly what it is.

Great action, should watch it in the theater to appreciate it, definitely not worth a second watch though. Not to mention, the plot is lousy.

Dood, its Die Hard. What were you expecting? :tongue:
DH4 is the best movie this year without a doubt. Second is 300.

MaconiE said:
I Thought this movie was preety comicy, there was no swearing and hardly any blood!

Reason: The movie was edited from a 'R' rating to a PG-13 for a wider audience.

Spidey sucked, F4: ROTSS was just ok. Now the only movies which can make DH4 the second best (or below if they all make big) are:

1. Bourne Ultimatum

2. Harry Potter: The order of the Phoenix

and finally (man, am I waiting for this one...)

Harry Potter ?? Are you clinically insane ??

Those co-called movies are POS. They are just another way for Warner Brothers to become richer and make JKR richer too....

Those movies are a blackmark against the Harry Potter franchise (with the games.... which is no surprise considering the games were made for the movies).

Please dont even insult all other movies by comparing Harry Potter.

A great book series has been absolutely and utterly ruined by Warner Brothers....
Waiting for Die Hard 4 to be released in chennai...

and can't wait to see Bourne Ultimatum :clap:
Saw it FDFS. I went in without any expectations and was pleasantly surprised. It delivered exactly what the series is about... mindless action :P. Pretty slickly directed and the plot for once was actually there. Its like a 2 hour long rollercoaster ride. Loved it... as good as the first one and definitely better than the second and third installments :P. Its a die hard movie afterall. Don't expect good acting or emotions :P. Leave your brain in a jar and go :rofl:.
Nikhil said:
Harry Potter ?? Are you clinically insane ??

Those co-called movies are POS. They are just another way for Warner Brothers to become richer and make JKR richer too....

Those movies are a blackmark against the Harry Potter franchise (with the games.... which is no surprise considering the games were made for the movies).

Please dont even insult all other movies by comparing Harry Potter.

A great book series has been absolutely and utterly ruined by Warner Brothers....

If you have a problem, go stage a "dharna" against them, but dont BS with me. I am just saying that the movies are commercially successful and content wise also are very well off as maximum people go watch them and make them hits. I pity on you language though. You can turn a normal discussion to a flamewar!! No further comments.
Amazing movie according to me.

Action was simply superb, as all the other Die Hard movies...

You HAVE to watch this movie. Simple as that.

I give it a 9.5/10!

Nikhil said:
Harry Potter ?? Are you clinically insane ??

Those co-called movies are POS. They are just another way for Warner Brothers to become richer and make JKR richer too....

Those movies are a blackmark against the Harry Potter franchise (with the games.... which is no surprise considering the games were made for the movies).

Please dont even insult all other movies by comparing Harry Potter.

A great book series has been absolutely and utterly ruined by Warner Brothers....

@ Nikhil, whats your problem if Justin wants to see the Movie?

I know 10000000's of other people want to as well, if you dont want to, find dont. You dont have to lash out at others for liking the Movie.

HP5, will win all the critics in India's heart, since its a HP movie, and its simple as that. Your opinion means squat. They will make their Money. Whether it be hard earned or leeched from the Public.

Next time, dont lash out at some1 for Sharing an opinion. This is a Forum, not your fan or POV following.
@ Nick
Take it easy buddy .. u really shd hv added a small abbrv. wid ur viewpoint .. that wd hv been "IMHO" ..
Harry Potter Def is smthing not to be missed for sheer different content .. the mood of the HP movies has been something very "hat ke" kinds..
m planning to watch the upcoming one in the theatre as well and hv started to ahem a well PURCHASE the prev movies so i can enjoy upcoming one..

@ Justin ..
totally agree wid u ..

O btw.. this Die Hard has been super according to me .. i dunno abt some of fellow members here.. bt the movie really was well made cept for the jet fighter stunt of B.Willis and hw in the world did he reach the final hideout... and that hacker kid sprung up like jack in the box even wen he was shot in the leg .. bt hey .. Die Hard it is .. :)
err.... the "clinically insane" part was supposed to be funny :P. It sure fell flat on it's face :P

No offence meant Justin. Sorry if I offended you.

But I feel a movie based on a book cannot be just seen as "another movie". It has to be seen in relation with the books and that is where the HP series fails spectacularly.
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