Car & Bike Diesel sedan.... which one?

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Chaos said:
Its a pity people pay more for a verna than this car and call it value for money :rofl:. Someone on tbhp called a verna a missile at the end of its flight and that even boats are better handlers :P
err... that was me quoting a good friend who recently bought a Fiesta D for his family. :ashamed:
He was mainly looking for a comfortable economiser and was divided between the Verna and the Fiesta D.
The Verna's power specs were making him a bit biased as he was thinking of the times when he would be at the wheel. :devil2:
But for reasons mentioned in the post and several other small knick knacks he said- the Verna is a poor package except for the brilliant engine.
Being a power freak, he even went ahead and booked it only to take a refund 2 days later as it was mainly for family and the Fiesta looked and felt more luxurious and was comfier too according to him iirc.
And i count on his experiences/observations as he will call a spade a spade even if that means degrading something he owns- and he takes months to finalise his vehicle based upon priorities. :)
He even worked out the total maintenance costs over the next 3 yrs before deciding.
I forgot which one was more expensive- will check with him and report here. :hap2:
Ok Chaos... I give in. You win :P

But it is more like a Jenna Jameson and Pamela Anderson discussion. All that matters is the size of the two ... err ... valve engine. Or was it 4. :P
wow....lotsa conflicting opinions... :P

i m just gonna pass them on n let him decide ;)

much as i love the looks/perf/mileage of the octavia, its too exp to keep.

+ 1 logan, fuel n price

fiesta/verna, will tell him to look.

-verna handling

-Dzire i agree doesnt make sense due to really really long wait.

+ Hes game to wait for the coming Fiat too actually. He likes fiat Diesels for some reason. :)

-Magnum too hes thinkin but he ll need to take a loan n me dont see the need to spend 10L on a car :ashamed:
I think one or the other good auto magazine needs to pull up an issue only on diesels which you can buy in India. It will be great considering the hike due. And I am sure after the May'08 general elections, whichever party wins, BJP or INC, import duty on petrochem will lower or not, I can't say but the petrol subsidy will go off for sure. Man... those days will be rough.
I would strongly suggest Logan Diesel for rugged usage...

Top end model is 7.5L....but I'd suggest getting the mid-end model and adding all the extra fittings. Can save 40k that way....
Logan might give the best FE but the car is sooooo ugly :|. The diesel is driveable but underpowered. The interior plastic quality is worse than a maruti 800 and cost cutting is evident everywhere. The boot doesn't have carpets WTF :|.
Chaos said:
Logan might give the best FE but the car is sooooo ugly :|. The interior plastic quality is worse than a maruti 800 and cost cutting is evident everywhere. The boot doesn't have carpets WTF :|.

Doors dont hold up well..They creak... Get the rear spoiler and chrome fitting done and its not that ugly IMO... The interior aint that bad... May not be the best quality but they "look" alright to my eyes...The boot is huge and theres almost as much space behind as in a corolla... 3 can sit comfortably...

It aint the prettiest, it aint the best perfoming, but it can be a car that you can fling around longer distances...

The FE is unbelievable really...If you are careful and switch of A/C it can touch 30kmpl on the highway...
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