err... that was me quoting a good friend who recently bought a Fiesta D for his family. :ashamed:Chaos said:Its a pity people pay more for a verna than this car and call it value for money :rofl:. Someone on tbhp called a verna a missile at the end of its flight and that even boats are better handlers![]()
He was mainly looking for a comfortable economiser and was divided between the Verna and the Fiesta D.
The Verna's power specs were making him a bit biased as he was thinking of the times when he would be at the wheel. :devil2:
But for reasons mentioned in the post and several other small knick knacks he said- the Verna is a poor package except for the brilliant engine.
Being a power freak, he even went ahead and booked it only to take a refund 2 days later as it was mainly for family and the Fiesta looked and felt more luxurious and was comfier too according to him iirc.
And i count on his experiences/observations as he will call a spade a spade even if that means degrading something he owns- and he takes months to finalise his vehicle based upon priorities.

He even worked out the total maintenance costs over the next 3 yrs before deciding.
I forgot which one was more expensive- will check with him and report here. :hap2: