Digicam decisions..

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@Masky, the tripods legs do look awefully thin. The top looks stable and strong enuff though.

@Eazy - Whats yer take on my tripod. I've attached the pics. Its an old Zelox which i got with a Minolta SLR which is as old as me :)


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inzider said:
Whats yer take on my tripod. I've attached the pics. Its an old Zelox which i got with a Minolta SLR which is as old as me :)

Dont know Zelox. Unless you buy a tripod which is made of thick Aluminium the tripod will never be very solid. I cannot judge the quality untill I handle the tripod - a light tripod will do as long as there is no source of vibrations which would shake the tripod. But shake will hardly show up in your pictures untill you do a long exposure shot at night. You can get away with a light tripod most of the time.

Yesterday I spoke to my old supplier of Pro Photo equipment and he said that today the cheapest *GOOD* tripod - which is made by Manfroto - a known company - costs 13,000/- YUP 13K. And the good ones like the Gitzo cost upwards of 25k :O .... FOR A TRIPOD !!! YECH !!! But there are a lot of cheap *DECENT* models of tripods made by a company named VELBON which are priced from about 3k upwards.
Found this on Velbon...


Velbon in India.....

Mumbai 400 005
Tel : (91-22) 2269 5464/65/66
Fax : (91-22) 2262 5781
E-mail: prernaindia@roltanet.com

Download Velbon catalogue - http://www.velbon-tripod.com/velbon_vol_4.pdf
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Eazy said:
Those Tripod Legs are very thin -

thats why i said i was planning on selling them :D
Eazy said:
KENKO - I hope that is a spell error on your side

indeed. it was a typo. its Kenko :hap2:

Eazy said:
One point NEVER wipe or rub the Lens or filter with a cloth - use a Rubber Air Blower as the dust + the cloth act as a Sand Paper and will leave minute scratch marks on any Glass Surface. Blow away the air and only then gently use a Kodak Lens Cleaning tissue.

I got a piece of soft leather with the filters for cleaning them. and it works better than any cloth. hope that suffices..

about the tripod, I was quoted 12k for the Mannfrotto :D 8k for the legs (stand) and 4k for the head :D Speaking of Velbon, hows their CX-660 model? I am being quoted 4.5k for that model and 1.7k for the CX-440. Is it a better buy than this Giottos one?

and tnx for the tips bro.. will rep ya as soon as i can :D
TheMask said:
about the tripod, I was quoted 12k for the Mannfrotto :D 8k for the legs (stand) and 4k for the head :D Speaking of Velbon, hows their CX-660 model? I am being quoted 4.5k for that model and 1.7k for the CX-440. Is it a better buy than this Giottos one?
and tnx for the tips bro..

Manfroto and Gitzo are for the Pro Photgraphers - meaning the guys with the film based heavy cameras.... these guys always have their slaves / chamachs / assistants to carry the heavy tripods for them :D

Man I dont know about particular Velbon tripod models.... as an ex-Pro Photographer I look down my nose on such cheap equipment. :) Why dont you ask the Velbon Indian Agent for details and prices.... I think Deejay stays in the same locality as the Velbon people in Mumbai.
well.. i am thinking i'll give this tripod a total skip n buy a good one when i have enough moolah to go pro.. :D besides, my cam in Sports mode is fast enough. I took quite a few pics and i was reckless today. I was continuously moving the cam, not to mention the shaking.. but i still managed to get some sharp pics at 10X zoom :)

I'll post the pics after my dinner.. :D
Here is the Camera which my uncle gave me
And this is the Trpod stand which i have , its my dads
Actually we had a Nikon Camera which was a Professional Photographers.
Got stolen in robbery when my dad was transfered to Delhi :(
After that we never took a camera only the tripods were left.

These Tripods are very very old some 10-12 Yrs old.

Have a look at the pics
Horrible looking pics taken from my Nokia 3650



@Masky - waiting to c the pics u have taken
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