Digital Home - HTPC - Stage 1

sarang said:
Thats one fine setup countrock.

Where in pune man?

I stay near IBM at Nagar Road. If you stay nearby, you wud have seen me on a Red Yamaha FZ with a full kit on :p

tvarad said:
I concur. I like the cabinet too. Very classy. Was it custom made or did you buy it at a store?

Rockfella said:
Very nice! Which cabinet did u use???? please post link url.

The comopany has closed down, cause they could not cope with the number of orders they were getting. They have restarted again with another name, but they dont export out of china for this.

Omaura TF5 Home Theatre PC Enclosure | -

It was a pain to get this cabinet. Took me three months and a lot of string pulling.
Since this cabinet needed a slot loading drive, which I could not get locally on lammy! and then I had to import the connecter too!:mad:

The case is really solid, feels much much stronger then the PS3. Here are some product pics which really bring out looks of the case!



